Question about hotel Eldar Resort Hotel 4*

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Hair dryer and iron
Can you please tell me if there is an iron and hair dryer in the hotel room?
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5 subscribers  • asked 2012-05-1313 years ago
Answers  •  5
аватар turkina
there is a hair dryer but there is no weak iron
аватар zama
There are hair dryers in all fours, there is no iron even in fives and luxury hotels. Take a small travel bag with you. Or don't take it at all. I spat on the September vacation and did not take it. Things hung and ironed themselves)) Humidity
аватар bashura
Thank you
аватар forget-me-not
note that their hair dryer is stupid. You have to keep holding the button for it to work. so that whoever has long thick hair - you are tormented to hold the button. I just have a stiff finger
аватар orca26
They don't provide an iron. You can only use the ironing service. Iron a dress or shirt in the area - $10.
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