Посоветуйте хороший хаммам в Кемере. Несколько раз ездили в Аланию, название не помню, но "банька" была бомба))) И всего за 20$ с человека... И у кого покупать - в отеле или у гида?
Recommend a good hammam in Kemer. We went to Alanya several times, I don’t remember the name, but the “bathhouse” was a bomb))) And for only $ 20 per person ... And from whom to buy - at the hotel or from the guide?
Recommend a good hammam in Kemer. We went to Alanya several times, I don’t remember the name, but the “bathhouse” was a bomb))) And for only $ 20 per person ... And from whom to buy - at the hotel or from the guide?
6 subscribers •
2019-09-086 years ago