Question about hotel Club Belpinar Hotel 4*

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Beach towels
Hello, can you please tell me if I need to bring beach towels with me. They never took it before, they always gave it for free, but here it says "on bail", what does that mean? and how to exchange them for clean towels?
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10 subscribers  • asked 2011-05-2113 years ago
Answers  •  14
аватар oresta52
On bail, this means they will take a certain amount of money from you (10-20 dollars), each hotel has its own amount, then on the last day they will give you this money. This is done so that you do not lose towels, do not leave them on the beach. And you change it every day.
аватар alex45
Or not every day, it depends, as is customary in the hotel.
аватар OlgaN3
Thank you very much for the answers, but I would like to see the answers of the people who were in this hotel. I put it a little incorrectly, I understand what "bail" is, I'm just wondering what it means in this hotel.
аватар Katyyy as an option, write a private message to Irina, she has just come from there.
But anyway, towels will be there :) and will eventually be free.
аватар Kazminasveta86
You will be given a card at the reception, with it you will go down to the basement, where there is a hammam, etc., give a plastic card, and in return you will have a towel. This is what the pledge is.
аватар Katyyy
And if you lose the card, pay a fine, that's the essence of the "deposit" :) There is a card, so you didn't lose the towel and didn't pocket it.
аватар lena_lm
We took a plastic card from the administrator, one card for each towel, then they left the cards in the hammam, they gave us a towel, changed it as needed, in the same place. In the evening, before check-out, they returned the towels, they gave the cards, and we returned them to the administrator.
аватар oleksandr63
Hello, on May 16 I returned from Belpinar, the rest is super, the sea is super, yes, the cream so as not to burn out without fail, beach towels are issued on bail, but this is not for any money, just go to the reception and say we want beach towels. they give out plastic cards, which we use in the hammam for towels, and on the last day I eat for a turn, and there are no problems. HAVE A GOOD REST, say HELLO TO NURIK, you will definitely meet him there, a cheerful person.
аватар OlgaN3
Thank you all very much
аватар oleksandr63
Suddenly, once again a pleasant stay, good weather, gentle sea.
аватар anja170486
at this hotel, a $10 deposit for one towel is returned when you return the towels before departure. Go to change every two or three days. We left one towel on the beach and when we came for a new one they gave us no questions and did not take money.
аватар valerabox
There is no deposit for a beach towel. Only it must be handed over. For the loss, a fine of 10 dollars. But why lose it?
аватар valerabox
Maybe not in the topic, here is a photo from the hotel.
аватар SoDoM
Take a towel and clean underpants, otherwise you will inadvertently see some terrible inscriptions in Turkish in CAPITAL LETTERS *ON Bail* here and panties will come in handy. What's up with the little things. Everything will be told there. One fig will be given back to lave if Slavic bums don’t steal the towel
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