Question about hotel Nirvana Dolce Vita 5*

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smoking in the hotel
Can you please tell me how things are with smoking in Amara Dolce Vita? The website of the hotel itself says that smoking is prohibited throughout the hotel and in the rooms. Does this mean that it is better for smokers not to book this hotel at all, or is there still rooms for smokers, as well as special designated places on the territory? I know about smoking in bars, cafes, restaurants and other closed public places. Thanks for answers.
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3 subscribers  • asked 2012-02-1313 years ago
Answers  •  3
аватар pora-vTur
The hotel is non-smoking throughout the hotel and in the rooms, however the hotel has designated smoking areas. But, if there is an ashtray, then you can smoke.
аватар Zhaklinka
In hotels of the Amara class, believe me, you will find smoking areas. These are the best hotels in Kemer!!!!
аватар we-are
I lived in 2 different rooms, there were ashtrays on the balcony in both - I smoked safely there :))) Wherever there are ashtrays - and this, again, almost everywhere on the territory - you can smoke. On the beach, by the way, no one made nice remarks about this either ...
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