Question about hotel Nirvana Dolce Vita 5*

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how to book a la carte restaurants?
And tell me, please, is there any system for booking a la carte restaurants in Amara Far East? I mean, how and when is it right to book in order to get to a restaurant? Thanks.
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6 subscribers  • asked 2011-06-0614 years ago
Answers  •  7
аватар oresta52
Immediately upon arrival, otherwise you may not have time before your departure (depending on how long you are going to rest). On the very first day.
аватар ZenitFan
girls sit in front of the main restaurant - where they write you down a la carte (you pay the amount later at the reception)
аватар lopez77
In front of the entrance to the general restaurant there is a table where you need to sign up for the restaurant that you liked (there are several of them, with different cuisines). Then at the reception you pay for the entrance.
аватар Raiana
some hotels have terminals for booking, the booking system in each hotel is different. Usually, each a la carte can be visited for free 1 time for the entire stay at the hotel, the 2nd time is paid, about $ 15-20 per person in Antalya, in Bodrum it is more expensive.
аватар Raiana
sorry, it was about amar dolce vita, and not about a la carte restaurants in Turkey in general ..
I apologize for the inattention
аватар ZenitFan
there are no free a la carte, only Fellini's restaurant is free ...
the cost here, in my opinion, depends on the season, in March we paid 20 dollars per person for Zen-Asia.
аватар Larik_ua
On the day of visiting the restaurant, go to the table to the left of the entrance to the main restaurant and book, pay before leaving at the reception
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