Чем отличается Голубая лагуна от косы..? И куда лучше пойти в гагуну или на пляж Си Хорс? Чем они отличаются? Ведь говорят, что где- то вход платный и лежаки....
What is the difference between the Blue Lagoon and the Spit ..? And where is it better to go to Gaguna or Sea Horse Beach? What is the difference? After all, they say that somewhere the entrance is paid and sun loungers ....
What is the difference between the Blue Lagoon and the Spit ..? And where is it better to go to Gaguna or Sea Horse Beach? What is the difference? After all, they say that somewhere the entrance is paid and sun loungers ....
4 subscribers •
2015-07-1810 years ago