Заказывали тур через оператора Pegas. Рейс МАУ перенесли с 05:00 на 17:20, следовательно день отдыха пропал. К кому обращаться и есть ли возможность получить компенсацию за потерянное время?
We booked a tour through the operator Pegas. The UIA flight was rescheduled from 05:00 to 17:20, so the rest day was gone. Who to contact and is it possible to receive compensation for the lost time?
We booked a tour through the operator Pegas. The UIA flight was rescheduled from 05:00 to 17:20, so the rest day was gone. Who to contact and is it possible to receive compensation for the lost time?
8 subscribers •
2018-06-057 years ago