Первый раз собираюсь в Турцию, хочу Средиземное море с хорошим песчаным берегом и хороший шопинг (кожа, обувь). Хотелось бы Эгейское море, но там дорогой шопинг мне сказали. Посоветуйте, пожалуйста
I'm going to Turkey for the first time, I want the Mediterranean Sea with a good sandy beach and good shopping (leather, shoes). I would like the Aegean Sea, but they told me expensive shopping there. Please advise
I'm going to Turkey for the first time, I want the Mediterranean Sea with a good sandy beach and good shopping (leather, shoes). I would like the Aegean Sea, but they told me expensive shopping there. Please advise
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2021-07-274 years ago