Подумала,что в Белеке нет плохих отелей и купила фортуну 5ual от БГ.после узнала про Трон..3.10.18 лечу с мамой и сыном 1,5 года..каковы шансы, что туроператор сжалится и не отправит в трон?
I thought that there are no bad hotels in Belek and bought fortune 5ual from BG. after I found out about the Throne.. 3.10.18 I’m flying with my mother and son for 1.5 years.. what are the chances that the tour operator will take pity and not send me to the throne?
I thought that there are no bad hotels in Belek and bought fortune 5ual from BG. after I found out about the Throne.. 3.10.18 I’m flying with my mother and son for 1.5 years.. what are the chances that the tour operator will take pity and not send me to the throne?
9 subscribers •
2018-09-057 years ago