Спонтанно появилась возможность отдыха в сентябре.Бюджет: 100 тыс. рублей/+-20.9-10 ночейСемья 2 взрослых и ребенок почти 3х летПосоветуете этот отель? или порекомендуйте
Spontaneously there was an opportunity to relax in September. Budget: 100 thousand rubles / + -20.9-10 nights Family of 2 adults and a child of almost 3 years old Would you recommend this hotel? or recommend
Spontaneously there was an opportunity to relax in September. Budget: 100 thousand rubles / + -20.9-10 nights Family of 2 adults and a child of almost 3 years old Would you recommend this hotel? or recommend
6 subscribers •
2019-07-086 years ago