Отдыхаю в отеле 10 дней из них обещенный пляж исключает воскресенье 3дня праздника рамазан субботу не возят после обеда.На городском пляже надо платить за лежак 15 лир?При покупке тура инфо
I rest at the hotel for 10 days, of which the promised beach excludes Sunday 3 days of the Ramadan holiday, Saturday is not taken after lunch. Do you have to pay 15 lire for a sunbed on the city beach? When buying a tour info
I rest at the hotel for 10 days, of which the promised beach excludes Sunday 3 days of the Ramadan holiday, Saturday is not taken after lunch. Do you have to pay 15 lire for a sunbed on the city beach? When buying a tour info
3 subscribers •
2018-06-157 years ago