Question about hotel Bilkent Hotel & Conference Centre 5*

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double room price
how much is per night in turkish lira double room
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1 subscriber  • asked 2008-11-1916 years ago
Answers  •  5
аватар n_nata81
Is this a question?!?!? What kind of stupidity?? Call the travel agency, tell the hotel, date, number of people and .... and you are in the know!!! And with such stupidity there is no need ...
If you want directly at the hotel, then through Yandex find the hotel, there is the reception phone number and go!! If knowledge of English allows.
аватар HotLine
to n_nata81. If it's that simple, then answer this question. And let's see...
I can even make things easier. It makes no sense to call travel agencies - none of them will immediately answer this question. Firstly, almost no one works with hotels in Ankara - not a sightseeing and not a beach city. And even those rare ones who work will not be able to immediately announce the daily price, and even in lira for a particular hotel.
In fact, the question is complex. The answer can be found, but it is not interesting, as useless knowledge for an ordinary expert. Sorry.
аватар HotLine
There will be no happiness. Price in euros and on request. It sounds like this - "from 120 euros".
There are many hotel booking systems. It is present in almost all systems (5 stars in the capital of Turkey). And its own reservation system, for sure, exists. You can find everything, including in lira.
аватар n_nata81
I don’t see the author himself in the messages present ... Apparently, he’s not interested in what we are talking about here ...
If you seriously need it. It’s not just interesting, but there is a real desire to go there, I can connect with a person who has lived in Ankara for 10 years. Now at the moment he is in Marmaris. Our man, Russian. He can contact the hotel himself, book for you, if necessary. Naturally, he is fluent in Turkish, which will facilitate his communication with the hotel and "reduce the price" of the issue.
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