Hotel for everyone

Written: 24 july 2020
Travel time: 12 — 19 july 2020
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For business travel; For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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In Turkey for the first time... before only in Egypt were.
We arrived at the hotel around 11 am. They immediately put on bracelets, then they thought, cut off and put on red ones! (how they differ, for example, from blue ones, I still don’t understand), they sent me a snack, and after the dining room they gave me a card from the room.
They loaded us with our suitcases into an electric car (by the way, the suitcases were treated with an antiseptic) and brought to the "villa-bar" area.
Upon arrival, it turned out that our room was occupied!
After five minutes of negotiations of our guide, with someone on the phone, the three of us were moved into a 4-bed two-room bungalow (well, we did not object - of course).
The room is nice and spacious, everything is present, everything works. The view from the balcony is really into the bushes (but what's the difference).
So as not to smear the writing on the sheet.

Food (when compared with Egypt) is simply gorgeous! You can eat and drink here almost around the clock (you can definitely have a bite at half past one in the night - checked). There was even an incident at the bar! Accustomed to the Egyptians pouring half a finger of alcohol, he ordered two Ballentines at once... and for about five minutes he stupidly thought what to do in such a heat with two full glasses of whiskey! =))
The beach is large and long, with two huge piers. Pebbles and stones aground definitely cause discomfort. But somehow we immediately crawled onto the pier, and in the future we only swam from it!
Three water parks! Everything worked, everywhere they shouted and squealed and plopped down!
Although the animation was cut due to quarantine, but after the annoying Egyptian skirts, it was nice to listen to a live grouper roasting Bon Jovi!
Territory! Clean, pretty. . . and yes, peacocks!
The hotel is suitable for a relaxing holiday, for young people, and for tourists with children (there is a mini amusement park, and on the -2nd floor there are a lot of all sorts of slot machines and a 7d movie, a playground is also available).
Shops on the territory will provide you with everything you need, from small things to gold jewelry!
Only one minus, only 7 nights we were there! Next time you need to take a tour of the day for 11! =))
In general, everything is cool! Recommended!
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