Strongly do not recommend

Written: 4 october 2017
Travel time: 7 — 28 august 2017
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 5.0
Service: 3.0
Cleanliness: 5.0
Food: 2.0
Amenities: 3.0
Review of Titan Garden Hotel.
We had a family vacation in Titan in August 2017. I want to say that this is not the first time in Turkey and therefore there is something to compare with.
So about the hotel. 4 stars for a Turkish hotel has always been a good indicator, and the fact that the hotel belongs to the Germans set up a positive holiday, but much to our disappointment, the hotel surprised us with a number of negative points.

The food in the dining room does not shine with the variety and quality of both food and service. Breakfast is generally empty, but if there is a tomato cut into four parts, then for lunch you will see the remains of the same tomato cut even smaller and seasoned with onions, and for dinner it will generally be chopped “into porridge” and mixed with other leftovers in the form of a salad . Of course, all hotels body food leftovers, but hotels of a higher level do this very imperceptibly for vacationers. Personally, my very first entry into the dining room forced me to get the first-aid kit I brought with me to use the pills, because the “brick” that I swallowed in the dining room cannot be digested otherwise. Tea in the dining room, and indeed in the hotel sucks. In our country, any bagged tea is many times better, and ordinary tea leaves cannot be compared at all. But the wife drank tea, although for this a certain amount of lemon and sugar was charged into it, so in my opinion it was no longer quite tea. Waiters work on the principle of "Russian last". I read the reviews of our compatriots about the attention and diligence of the waiters, but I only saw their libido in front of people of Arab nationality, and no one pays attention to you as a Russian. And on the day of departure, the dining room even surpassed itself in all its glory. On this day, we were forced to come to the opening of the dining room and, apparently due to the lack of Arabs in the hall, the waiters flatly refused to turn on the light and the coffee maker, so we had to eat in the dark and be left without coffee.
In general, a negative attitude towards Russians is noticeable in everything. Well, for example, entertainment with which the hotel is not so dense. By the way, jumping animators by the pool can only be seen in the morning and, as it were, on a charge, but which is not only to raise and start the people, but apparently they cannot even wake them up. From entertainment in the hotel darts, water polo and archery. But I did not see a single Russian participating in these events, because the animators inviting participants pass by the Russians without stopping, only mumbling something incomprehensible in very broken Russian. Here, as elsewhere, only foreigners are in authority, because in Turkish, German, Arabic, etc. , they do much better.
Of the water procedures, the main pool was extremely disappointing, obviously not designed for a hotel load close to 100%, and water filtration during the bottom either cannot cope with the volume of snot, hair, etc. , or is completely absent. But the slides, on the contrary, pleased with their work throughout the day, which is not always found in more expensive hotels.
Now about the number. In some reviews, people write that if they get a room with a view of the road, they try to change it to the inside to the pool. So we came across such a number, and since we settled at night, it was decided to postpone the solution of the problem until the morning. And what do you think? Waking up in the morning and parting the curtains, our gaze was a "picture" with palm trees in the foreground and mountains in the background. The road even turned out to be a small addition to the magnificent scenery. The question of changing the number disappeared by itself. In general, the very location of the room, not on the pool, makes it possible to wait out the midday heat in silence, without the whole rumbling Turkish music. But you can not wait for daily cleaning of the room, apparently in this hotel it is customary to clean every other time. We even witnessed a scandal at the reception just for cleaning the room, but we don’t know how the matter ended. You will receive bottles of water only once, on the day of arrival and all other days you will have to collect water in the same empty bottles, so do not rush to throw them away. Yes, and a paid safe... ! Well, this is generally a shame for a Turkish hotel with 4 stars. We did not take the safe, but used a suitcase with a lock.

The sea rejoiced. It is quite possible to reach the bottom in the bathing area, right up to the buoys, if you hold your breath well. Moreover, the bottom, although without corals, is not just sand, but it has an interesting relief in the form of natural plates. For some reason, many are dissatisfied with these plates, it is inconvenient to enter the water, then someone manages to break his legs. Entry into the water, normal! And if something does not suit you, then please have a pontoon. Here my son and I had plenty of swimming with a mask and snorkel, and not only us.
Well, if you can put a plus on the sea, then the beach is a fat minus. Firstly, the cleaners remove the garbage in the same way as the room - at will, but unlike the hotel maids, it appears much less often. Secondly, mattresses for sunbeds and beach towels are paid. Towel costs $2. And what if I come to the beach twice a day? By the way, there are no mattresses in the hotel even for money. In short, if you want to sunbathe lying down, get ready for hard folding beds.
Leaving home on the way to the airport, our tourist was picked up from a five-star hotel. And his story about his hotel exactly matched mine. It's a pity, all this leads to sad thoughts about the Turkish holiday.
And so, to sum up:
1. Four stars to the Titan Garden hotel can be given with a very big stretch.
2. An incomprehensible decrease in the level of service in Turkish hotels, but let's hope that it will return to normal.
3. Explicitly expressed negative attitude towards the Russians.
P. S. Of course, we achieved the main goal, sunbathed under the hot sun and swam in the warm sea, but the hotel unfortunately disappointed. So if we ever go to Turkey, we will choose a hotel with at least 5 stars and with the maximum load of our compatriots. Although I am not a fan of noisy companies, Spartak, Zenit and Tagil were clearly not enough this time.
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