Normal hotel

Written: 23 october 2018
Travel time: 11 — 18 october 2018
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 5.0
Service: 5.0
Cleanliness: 6.0
Food: 4.0
Amenities: 5.0
Good day to all! ! I chose this hotel for the price - it was the minimum on the date of departure, the tour operator knows about the hotel as much as the traveler knows. This is my first time in Turkey on an all-inclusive basis) so I didn’t notice any gross flaws, the staff is impudent, but friendly. I arrived at the hotel at one in the morning, I was met by the receptionist, I presented him with a voucher, he immediately took my heavy bag and informed me to the room. Maybe they are not in shape, but they do their job, whoever doesn’t like them and criticize them. Food is like food - of course a lot of different cheese, and the first and second, everyone complains here, there are fruits and vegetables, meat and fish in the evenings! Well, don't overeat until you're blue) if you don't like it, pay extra 10 thousand rubles and go to another hotel. There is a roof over your head, there is a toilet with a shower and what else is needed for life, the sea is close, took a rug and went to the beach! if with these sunbeds - disperse cellulite gentlemen !!! ! I was in a local hammam for $ 20, by the way, behind a hotel near the road where tours are offered, a hammam costs $ 15. I was washed in the hammam by the local Ibrahim and the massage was done by Mahmut, special thanks to them for washing the body with peeling, and especially I really liked the massage. What's the difference how many stars the hotel has, you people often look at the real stars in the sky. I was not hungry, the room was good, our hostel in Turkey - and even fed)) The sea is warm and the weather was good during this period of time. There is no gym at all, so let the site remove the rocking chair from the list of services. In general, I am satisfied, do not take excursions from the hotel guide, 10-15 dollars more expensive. Travel by bus 50 to Alanya costs 1 dollar. The hotel is not recommended for families. I gave 31 thousand for a ticket, from October 20 for a week it will cost about 22 thousand, but the weather is not the same: rains, winds. Travel gentlemen - yes rest. . . There is wi-fi, but I didn't use it. I had a foreign tariff for 320 rubles per day, expensive, but you can use the Internet throughout Turkey up to 500 mb per day.
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