Creepy vacation...

Written: 27 december 2007
Travel time: 27 august — 3 september 2006
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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All in all, I can't find any pros. . .
But if you do not pay attention to the hotel itself, the rest can turn out. Just do not take vouchers through TEZ TUR, do not think about vacationers at all.
The tours were terrible, because everything broke down, got into accidents, etc.
The hotel staff is terrible, they are not rude, but they do nothing. The shower was broken in the room, the bath was leaking, and they didn’t clean it at all, in general, disgusting. The food is terrible. not tasty at all fed, but you can eat.
In general, it is better to choose good 3 * and relax. And the medical insurance is terrible, they have some kind of ointment . . as a magical remedy for everything and don’t expect any more help, so rest more carefully. Knowing that I did not overpay at least. In general, I wish you all a good holiday.
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