First trip to Turkey

Written: 4 march 2013
Travel time: 18 — 28 august 2009
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 4.0
Service: 5.0
Cleanliness: 4.0
Food: 4.0
Amenities: 5.0
far from the airport, but on the bus with kondeya tolerable.
settlement is not without extortion. fellow countrymen gave money, settled immediately, but we went on principle. bags were thrown under the responsibility of the administrator and went to the bar. after 40 min. we were shown to the room.
The first room was on the 1st floor. normal, right from the balcony you could go to the canteen and to the bar, but you can’t open the curtains, it’s noisy at night and there was a smell of dampness from the basement. for bringing a bottle of vodka with us, we were moved to the neighborhood of fellow countrymen on the 4th floor. from there the view was better, but it became necessary to take the elevator. and it is worse than in the post-Soviet pissed-off entrances.

feeding is average. from the chicken to turn back the beginning on the third day. soy cutlets and sausage after the first sample began to cause disgust. salads were rotten. The hotel guide, of course, made sure - this, grit, is not spoiled, this is the specificity of the local cuisine. and in order to transfer it normally, drink 50 grams of crayfish before and after meals for prevention purposes.
at the end of August, green watermelons and melons caused bewilderment. there are no complaints only to sweets.
alcohol is almost non-alcoholic. beer is lighter than our kvass. vodka - 20 degrees. more or less in strength - crayfish. but it is so disgusting to drink because of the smell of pectusin. wine - sour Burda from packages.
animation is so-so. girl-animator (the patrician called herself) Russian. but there is so much arrogance that the Basques and the beasts, taken together, rest next to it. according to her stories, she is a friend of some very rich and authoritative Turk, lives like cheese in butter, and works for fun, well, to communicate with fellow countrymen. she went in a miniskirt and thongs, which lured men to her shows. Everyone wondered if she was in shorts or not.
A significant plus is the location right on the sea. from the hotel immediately beach 50-100 meters and water. on the beach showers, sunbeds. minus - entrance to the sea. a meter and a half - sand, then - incomprehensible blocks and boulders. in strong waves, legs can easily be broken. once a week in the evening, like on Fridays, the sewage from the hotels is drained into the sea. the beach stinks like an old country toilet. check with the guide when the drain is, so that at this time you will not be in the water.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original