Written: 1 november 2017
Travel time: 13 — 20 october 2017
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 5.0
Service: 2.0
Cleanliness: 2.0
Food: 3.0
Amenities: 1.0
Good reviews are written solely because of the competition. So hello everyone! This is not our first time in our beloved Turkey, so I know what I am writing. Like many vacationers in this hotel, they got here from these forest reviews. I just have a question, do you really think that the one who writes forest and false reviews will have a free rest in this hotel?! )) If I had originally gone to another site and read the real reviews of this hotel, my leg would not even exist and for a gift in this wretched hotel!! ! Yes, exactly like that! And here even the staff has nothing to do with it, there is only one reason, this is the hotel manager Tatyana, who brought this hotel to a critical state. I won’t write much, I’ll only add what many didn’t finish or didn’t remember. Initially, be prepared for the fact that you will be settled in another 2 * hotel, which has not been working for a long time, but safely rents out its rooms to the neighboring Blue wave hotel for a penny. Although the woman from the reception will tell you that this is the sixth building, although there are only 4 of them in Blue wave and + the main one. Further, of course, I will not write to you now what numbers are in 2 *, you guessed it yourself. And when you are already completely desperate, they tell you that in a couple of days they will be able to move you to the main building of the very hotel for which you paid money. and normal money as for a good 5 *. . After 3 days of hell, you move to the Blue wave main building with a forced smile. I will not say anything here, the rooms are beautifully decorated, clean, spacious. True, there was a terrible smell of sewerage in the bathroom, but the product bought in the store decided everything at once. Well done cooks, they try, surprise, pamper with goodies. What can not be said about those who look after the dishes, the plates were sometimes dirty, with frozen food, wine is poured into glasses with the imprint of someone's lipstick. so I didn’t try the wine) My advice to you, use disposable glasses) Upon arrival, you could eat flies with food, it was unbearable. for some reason, the chief cook and the manager didn’t care at all that they shit right into the food that vacationers eat. . no one struggled with it. The beach leaves much to be desired. You don't even have to go there or you'll break your legs. . take bus 1 and 101 at the bus stop and go to Cleopatra beach, in principle, what we did all the days of our vacation, that's where the beach can really be called a beach. The only person I will thank when I leave is the woman who bakes pancakes and the man who bakes cakes with fillings. . Here is a big tribute to them. always delicious, clean and with a smile. but for some reason, in the last 5 days of our vacation, the cakes stopped baking, the food was immediately cut in half and there was an impression that the hotel itself was made of cardboard and was about to fall apart or go to the bottom from rainy days. It ticked everywhere like a sieve, since at least it didn’t rain on your head in the room! Well, that's all. . the hotel does not match the declared price! A kind request to the director of the hotel, please change the manager, dishwasher, bartender and set fly traps. I hope my review is helpful. Hotel in disrepair, DO NOT recommend!
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