Rest was a success

Written: 13 july 2007
Travel time: 13 — 20 june 2007
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 10.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Food: 9.0
Amenities: 10.0
After reading the reviews about this hotel, especially about the bad rooms in building 4, we were waiting for the keys to the rooms with trembling knees, it turned out that we were settled not in the Caribbean, but in the Sun Beach Resort hotel. When we, me and two children, saw a two-room suite, we lost our desire to demand a settlement in the Caribbean.

At the meeting with the guide, we were told that all 3 hotels belong to the same owner. We think that it's just that the express tour (the host) has entered into an agreement with this hotel. I highly recommend this hotel for families with children, the animation group consists of 17 people, two girls speak Russian.

If you are going on a trip to the Sahara, be prepared for the fact that the bus in which you will go on an excursion will arrive already filled with people, and you will either be seated on the bus to empty seats, or for 2 days you will sit on the last row right on the engine and die from the heat. The guide forgets to say about this trifle !!!!
If you have any questions, I will answer on ICQ 223478908.
Have a nice holiday!! !
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