Rest in Aziz October 2008

Written: 22 october 2008
Travel time: 1 — 7 october 2008
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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Arriving from a holiday from this hotel 09.10-19.10. 2008, for the sake of interest, I decided to read reviews about this hotel. I didn’t read before the rest, so as not to spoil the mood and trusting my sister, who works in the tourism business. Everything that is written is true. There is nothing to fix, there are a few additions. The commercial director of the hotel is a Russian girl Katya, rumored to be the wife of the Spanish owner. Adequate, resolute, in order to find her, you need to go to the reception and ask her, she will solve all the problems. As for the waiters: there are three shifts, only one is normal, the other two are dumb, with the exception of the girls in these shifts. Repairs were made in a third of the rooms, from November 15 to March 20, the hotel closes completely to complete the rest. Animation this year was not at all, with the exception of a couple of numbers with snakes and yogis. Katya said that this was their miscalculation and they would correct it next year. Nearby is a three-ruble note MEDITIRAN (something like that), belongs to the same Spaniard, you can go to the entertainment there, it is allowed, there it is every evening.
Now for thalassotherapy, I will say this right away from the words of my wife, or rather a sample from her solid mat. The procedures are expensive, my wife's course for six days of four procedures for half an hour each, cost 750 dinars (600 bucks). They can’t massage, they don’t know how, they don’t want to, almost all of them without exception (and there are 8-10 masseurs there). They save money on mud and algae (they were in Turkey, in Sapphire, they had a massage, there is something to compare with). My wife liked the pool with a jacuzzi the most, it beats and massages well. The rest is shameful and not worth the money, in Russia it is better and cheaper to do (my wife goes all the time), and Tunisia just went to SPA because of this. Foreigners are happy, you can see they don’t have this at all, or it costs a fortune.
Therefore, the conclusion: the hotel is not bad, a solid, well-deserved four, it is better not to go to the SPA (there are others, much better, for example Serena-SPA, in the city). We drove through Coral, hosting party like Odeon (guide Alexander), there are no complaints about them either, they clearly worked.
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