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Where is the cleanest and most beautiful sea
We are going as a family to Thailand or Sri Lanka. What time of the year is best to fly there so as not to fall into the rainy season. Tell me a hotel with quality food and an excellent sea for a child. Is it possible to eat with a child of 9 years outside the hotel, how much is food in restaurants with European food
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5 subscribers  • asked 2011-06-1613 years ago
Answers  •  32
аватар Amir1
You can fly to Thailand at any time of the year. But the main thing is to decide what you need from the rest. If you just sunbathe and lie on the beach, then these are the islands (Phuket, Koh Samui). If you see the country, gain impressions, then this is Pattaya. There is no rainy season in Pattaya, the weather is not so good on the islands. If you want to combine impressions with the beach, then first in Pattaya for 10 days, explore the country, and then lie down on beautiful beaches on Koh Chang. Outside the hotel in Thailand, you can’t eat, but you need to, in hotels the food is not of very high quality and “ours”, and Thai cuisine is very tasty and very diverse. Most importantly, everything is fresh and cooked in front of you. If you go to Pattaya, then you don’t really need a hotel, you need to walk and look there, and only sleep in the hotel. If you go to Koh Chang, then I recommend Paradise Resort, I like it the most. I won’t tell you hotels in Phuket and Samui, I work in Pattaya and hotels on the islands are not my competence yet.
аватар Alfini
In Pattaya "see the country"? Nu-nu...
Didn't you confuse with "see the hot spots"?
аватар Amir1
well, who is only interested in this, then this is also in Pattaya. :))))))))
аватар stenly
In Ukraine, everything is complicated. Talking about Tae from Alfni's position is not serious. Who is looking for what. Ukrainians see only evil in the face of Alfini. (I was in Pattaya 3 times. I don’t see a better vacation. I was in Turkey and Egypt)
аватар stenly
alsun, different countries! On what basis do you choose? if only the sea?. The cleanest sea is recognized as the Seychelles and the Caribbean.
аватар Amir1
Alfini By the way, there are no less of these "hot places" in Kyiv than in Pattaya. And maybe even more. In your opinion, it turns out that everyone who goes to Kyiv goes to watch "hot spots"? No. Just who goes for what. I have different tourists. Some don't get out of Walking Street, while others only go there once just to see it. And they never go back there. Everyone has their own interests. Most people go on excursions and walk around the city. After all, these "hot spots" are only part of the first and second streets, the rest of the city is quite cultural and normal. This is not Kyiv, where these "evil places" are scattered throughout the city, but Okruzhnaya Street is 10 times longer than the first and second streets in Pattaya combined. Come visit us, I will be happy to show you what beautiful Thailand is. Yes, and "evil places", I'm sure you will like it too. Things didn't go as well in Pattaya as in Kyiv. It's more of a show. All in all, you have to see it to understand.. We are waiting for you in the near future. We can make a promotional tour especially for you, as we do for travel agents. It won't be expensive. We are a Ukrainian tour operator in Thailand and at the same time a meeting party in Thailand, so please contact us. 0506683000
аватар Alfini
Amir1, thank you, of course, but I can make you a tour of Thailand myself :) My favorite country, which I often visit, and about Pattaya - this is my personal opinion, and not compiled from the reviews of tourists like stenly who were in Turkey, Egypt and Pattaya and "there is no better rest." Now, if stenly listened to smart people, who no doubt are Ukrainians, he would know that there are better places in Thailand than Pattaya. No, not even that - in Thailand, ALL places are better than Pattaya.
Amir1, you keep calling to "see the country" from Pattaya :)) I can't understand this. What does Pattaya have, say, to Chiang Mai or Sukhothai? Which - to the Similans or Hua Hin? Maybe the Kwai flows through Pattaya? Are the ruins of Ayutthaya in North or Jomtien? All this is nonsense ... And the sea in Pattaya is rubbish.
And, by the way, on the district priestesses stand quietly waiting for the client, and in Pattaya they hang in clusters and grab for causal places, and not only on the Sun. And I disdain - they have AIDS, hepatitis and Staphylococcus aureus :)
аватар Amir1
Of course, you are right that it is impossible to see the whole country from one city. But it's impossible to see everything at once. A "see the country" recommendation from Pattaya for those who are traveling for the first time and do not want a beach holiday. A tourist has little time, moreover, a tourist is often tied to some hotel in some city. Therefore, I believe that the best option to see a lot in a short time from one city is Pattaya. Being on any of the islands, such an extensive sightseeing program will not work. I also think it’s not right not to watch Pattaya, tourism in Thailand began with it. Individual travelers who have the opportunity to move around the country, changing their place of residence, can see more, but there are not many of them. In addition, Pattaya has the largest selection of excursions, including both Kwai and Ayutthaya and other places.. Therefore, I think that for tourists who are not interested in the sea, but in sightseeing, it is most convenient to do this from Pattaya. And when you visit Thailand again, you can do what you described above. Even necessary.
аватар Amir1
and about "they have AIDS, hepatitis and Staphylococcus aureus" you were coolly misinformed. It is, but to a much lesser extent than in our everyday life, believe me. Thais look after themselves much more, even prostitutes, than our usual girls from the local disco. The only thing is that they take a shower at least 5 times a day. And our women and especially men are called dirty, they often ask why our girls don’t take care of themselves (washing only 2-3 times a day is considered indecent) and I have nothing to answer.
аватар Alfini
"Individual travelers who have the opportunity to move around the country, changing their place of residence, can see more, but there are not many."
There are VERY many of them, believe me! :) And there are more in Thailand than in other popular and our people destinations.
"Therefore, I think that for tourists who are interested not in the sea, but in sightseeing, it is most convenient to do this from Pattaya"
And I think that it is more convenient to do this from Bangkok. Getting closer.
In Thailand, there are 1.1 million HIV carriers, in Ukraine, according to various sources, up to 200 thousand. Even taking into account the difference in population, this is a very significant difference. In addition, the girls from the local disco are a parallel world for me, and in Pattaya this world grabs hands, meows and gets into my pants :)
Any syphilitic, even washed 5 times :) - dirty.
аватар stenly
I agree with Amir1. He knows more... really... the fact is, he doesn't hysteria, he knows and talks about what he knows for sure. As for Alfini, the man is clearly self-satisfied, most likely he has visited Tai once and knows more from the Internet (judging by the statistics he cites, he did not count them himself :))). If a person is dirty, he will always find his own kind. A pure person will always find a pure one. What is in Thailand, what is in Ukraine. I like the atmosphere better. Freedom and at the same time order. (p.s. for 3 years we all come healthy :))
аватар Amir1
Alfini you were in some other Thailand. I invite you to visit and show you the country from my point of view and from Pattaya. Compare. Maybe you will like it. A month ago, I already had tourists who visited Thailand 8 times before, but in the end they said that they saw this country in a completely different way with me and did not even think that it was such an interesting country. They even liked the "evil places" and never grabbed their hands and no one grabbed them, much less in their pants. Maybe in your case it will be the same and you will like it. I invite you. Seriously. Come.
аватар Amir1
Alfini "In Thailand, there are 1.1 million HIV carriers, in Ukraine, according to various sources, up to 200 thousand." I comment and explain. Medicine and control over the health of people in Thailand is at a very high level. Nest for HIV is done by everyone. In Ukraine, only those who wish. Second. If a woman suffering from simple thrush is tested for AIDS, then it will be positive, because. candida only grows in immunocompromised organisms. And every third woman suffers from thrush. Here are the statistics for you.
аватар Pachok
Amir1, well, what kind of nonsense did you come up with? (Sorry)
What is a positive AIDS test for thrush? Gynecologists will now hang themselves from such a statement ...
About Pattaya:
- I like Thailand. I love!
This is a VERY interesting country.
- I've been to different regions of Thailand.
- Pattaya is the worst place ever, IMHO.
Z.Y. By the way, they climbed into my husband's pants in broad daylight :) on Naklua near the hotel, they did not hesitate to me, on the contrary, someone pinched my ass. Only the unwillingness to deal with the police kept me from a heavy cuff to the "plucker".
Z.Y. Any prostitutes, even ours, even Thai ones, are a group of increased risk regarding the spread of infection. Their large concentration in public places cannot please a clean person.
аватар Amir1
Pachok about the test I speak from personal experience. One of my relatives tested positive for AIDS when Candida appeared. Negative after treatment. Explanation of doctors - thrush is a decrease in immunity, which is reflected in the test in this way. I'm not a doctor, but I won't argue with them.
I agree with everything else. But for some reason, they never climbed into my pants for 2 years, maybe it just all depends on behavior or something else. But it's a fact: they don't pester me with or without my wife. And I don’t seem to be ugly and it’s clear that I’m a farang.
аватар stenly
It may well be. After all, the AIDS virus has not yet been withdrawn, which means there are doubts that it even exists. (Gordon's transmission on this topic was excellent).
аватар Alfini
Anti-scientific nonsense in search of sensations. HIV is and it is identified, "bred" in your opinion. The analysis is not done on the state of immunity, but on the presence of a virus in the blood. There are often false-positive results, but they have nothing to do with thrush (this is candidiasis, as I understand it?).
"As for Alfini, the man is clearly self-satisfied, most likely he has been to Tai once and knows more from the Internet"
Yes, I am a self-satisfied person; self-satisfied. I love and respect myself, I see no reason for the opposite, and I wish you the same. I have been to Thailand many times, I know this country well, ALL, and not just Pattaya, like you, stenly.
аватар Amir1
even irritable bowel syndrome very often leads to a positive result for AIDS. From the experience of my friend the doctor. The presence of the virus, as he says, no, because no one has identified him yet. He is talked about, but no one can imagine his photos or anything else. Therefore, there is no cure for it. There would be someone to fight, there would be an antidote. And so we have what we have. That is why there is a theory that there is no AIDS at all. And I also fully support it. And they do not treat AIDS, but increase immunity in people with very expensive drugs.
I'm not a doctor, I may be wrong, but if the virus is there and it was photographed, then give me a link on the Internet to a picture of the AIDS virus. It would be interesting to look at it. Somehow I was not interested in this before.
аватар Amir1
stenly Well, that's what I'm talking about. Thanks for the link. It was interesting to take a look.
аватар Pachok
Look... I'm in shock. You are adults with an education, I think. And as an argument, you refer to a religious site, which, in principle, cannot contain scientifically based information.
Guys, there are HIV viruses (there are 4 types), they are described, studied, more or less they have already learned how to deal with them, it is not difficult to find this information on the net.
I read the "Orthodox" article for the sake of general development. Stretching, emotions, twitching, and outright lies like this: "(AIDS patients are recognized indiscriminately, who have weakened immunity - from tuberculosis patients to drug addicts, as well as many healthy people continue to be called HIV-infected)". The purpose of such "Orthodox" articles has long been known and concerns not only AIDS, but also a host of other aspects. For example, these idiots seriously call telegony a scientific fact, and so on. As long as people do not protect themselves, produce offspring "as much as God puts per soul", keep their children in denseness, without sexual education, and with all questions go not to the library, but to the priest.
аватар stenly
Dear Pachok, this is your personal opinion about the article and nothing more. Someone believes that there is a god, someone that there is not, both of which are unprovable. But the fact that AIDS diagnoses are based on the presence of a virus, and on antibodies, is a fact. All known viruses have been artificially isolated, but the AIDS virus has not. They are trying to model it, so there is as much of it as they like, how much money will be given for research. And that's billions. On this, someone warms their hands well. For example, clever Bill Gates with his capital spends money on the treatment of malaria, not AIDS. Because with malaria everything is clear. It's my personal opinion. A wish to Pachok, seek out Gordon's AIDS program. There are supporters and opponents of the AIDS virus. Maybe some questions for you will become clearer.
аватар Pachok
I would also spend capital not fighting AIDS, but other diseases, such as cancer. I don't care much about the deaths of blacks in Africa, and in Ukraine there are more tuberculosis patients than AIDS-bearers. Therefore, I believe that Bill Gates' motives can be very different.
I saw Gordon's program, and I readily believe that such programs bring up a certain opinion among a gullible public. By the way, are you aware that the main purpose of television is to make a profit? Those. inflating the rating of TV shows for the further successful sale of advertising time. And the easiest way to increase the rating is a cheap sensation.
Luc Montagnier of the World AIDS Research and Prevention Foundation first isolated the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS in 1983 with Françoise Barret-Sinoussi, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris.
The race for the AIDS virus began in 1981, when it became clear that a new and unknown disease could soon become a pandemic. And in 1984, Barre-Sinoussi and Montagnier found this virus by identifying HIV in the lymphocytes of patients in the later stages of the disease.
Luc Montagnier was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1998.
аватар Amir1
remember the excitement about the flu epidemic in Ukraine. Now everyone admitted that he was piecework and his goal was to get people to spend money on medicines, i.e. getting super-profits for pharmacists. Personally, my opinion is that AIDS is nothing but an invented means for obtaining super-profits. And it is well advertised and paid. Hardly anyone can convince me of this. I have already said that when a woman had candidiasis, it was determined that she had AIDS, the test was positive. 2 weeks of treatment for candidiasis, repeated test: no AIDS. Where did the virus go? And it simply didn't exist. And in a person with IBS, where did it go after half a year? It's all a lie!!!!!!!!!!! I do not like it when someone fraudulently earns money on nonsense.
аватар Pachok
Amir1, I PERSONALLY got sick with this flu a year before the hype. And my husband too. Almost threw the skates away. The fact that pharmacists warmed their hands well on this virus is not even in doubt. But this flu was and is, has not gone away, ask your doctor friend. And people get sick with it even now, the weakened die from a complication - pneumonia.
The same picture and with AIDS - earn on it all and sundry. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Your friend, even without treatment for candidiasis, could get a negative test result in two weeks, since false positives are common. Nothing to do with candidiasis. Well, let's not forget about innate immunity against HIV viruses, which is observed in 10% of the population of northern Russia and slightly less in the rest of Europe.
аватар Amir1
the flu was, and the hype was piecemeal. There was an ordinary epidemic, no more than every year. But the big uncles invested money in advertising, intimidated the people and the people poured into pharmacies. Stupid people poured into pharmacies, to be precise. By the will of fate, I was a little aware of projects that are related to the manipulation of public consciousness in order to earn super-profits. One of them is the hype around the flu. Another, only more global, well thought out by psychologists, in which huge amounts of money have been invested to obtain super-super-profits, is AIDS. Good project. I bow to those who have such a mind to come up with such a thing and bring it to life. And most importantly, to make people believe in it, as they once believed in communism. But you can't fool me with that. Each of us will remain with his own opinion and I consider further disputes about this to be superfluous on this forum.
аватар Pachok
"I, by the will of fate, was a little aware of projects that are associated with the manipulation of public consciousness in order to earn super-profits."
And one more project - a campaign called "AIDS is not, it was invented" :))
аватар Amir1
You can't make money on "no AIDS". But on "Caution - AIDS" how. Of course it proves everything.
аватар Pachok
"you can't make money off 'no AIDS'."
Gordon's transmission suggests otherwise. Those who cannot make money on the fight against AIDS will make money on "no AIDS".
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