The two countries of Thailand are North and South. Part 14

Part 14. In which we find the most beautiful place of the whole trip, and I almost cry.
December 1, Saturday. Phang Nga - Phuket Town.
Plans for the day:
- Wat Kaew Manee Si Mahathat.
- Samet Nangshe Viewpoint
- Phuket Old Town
- Night Bazaar Phuket
Map for clarity:
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It was a difficult day. Emotions, like a crazy swing, rocked us up and down. It's still hard for me to figure out which fly bit me. But I woke up with a terrible anxiety.
I dreamed of snow.
It fell, spinning and shimmering, in the rays of the bright sun. He lay down on the world with a white shiny carpet and was so cold...
Cold! )
I'm terribly, terribly cold!
The air conditioner in the best Asian traditions blew directly on the bed. Without air conditioning, I would not have dreamed of snow. Rather, Africa, the rainy season. Because 10 minutes after turning off the air conditioner, we became hot and wet. But what a view looked at me from the window!
Indeed, how much nicer it is to wake up to see the mountains than that's allcurtains.
I wanted to lie down for a bit, just stare out the window. . . Lulling in bed, I looked at my phone and immediately read (it's time to get rid of the bad habit of reading before breakfast. . . ) two interestingdisturbing messages at once. The first is that today is the day of increased accident rate, the second is that my son-in-law had a bad dream about me the day before, and now I have to be extremely careful, because my daughter is very worried.
This unsettled me more than the news about the tornado. I don't know if anyone managed to avoid the predetermined tragedies. Annushka's experience shows that if sunflower oil is spilled, then everything is dry oars. Even if you close all the locks. It is so? Then why did I need to know that today is a bad day? If I didn't know, he wouldn't be like this.
The sun has already risen. I got dressed and went out onto the terrace. A low, dense fog swirled at the foot of the mountain, the air was transparent and tasty.
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Oh, this air in the mountains, it's some fantastic cocktail! Bright smells of tropical herbs and flowers, wet, crystal freshness, misty haze in which a timid sunbeam is entangled. These moments I always keenly feel and collect in my collection of pleasures.
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Remember how Lukyanenko, in "Dozory", had cans of air? With mountain or air after rain) He, like honey, can be different. I have the same ones! All these moments that I breathed or will breathe in my travels are so different, but they have one thing in common - they cling to some very sweet string in me. And it is for these moments that I go to distant distances. It is them that I bring from travels among magnets and other souvenirs. Probably, that's why it's not enough for me to lie on the beach, but I need to go, drive, get tired, worry, write reports and put new marks on the map : )
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With regret, we left the hospitable hotel. After quickly throwing our things into our suitcases and having breakfast, we set off for Phuket.
There are some places that are hard to part with. As if nothing special in this city and in this hotel, but incredibly sincere. Somehow calm and pleasant.
On the way, we stop at Wat Kaew Manee Si Mahathat temple.
Actually, I wanted to go to Wat Na Klang, but I somehow confused it with Wat Kaew Manee Si Mahathat. In Google maps, sometimes a photo from one object ends up on another, apparently, people download them in bulk without looking. In general, in some mysterious way, I marked the wrong temple in mepsmi.
But it's even better. Otherwise, it would turn out that you need to drive into the temple after the observation deck, and we would hardly want to call in somewhere after what we saw there. But let's not get distracted)
This temple is not bad either. The truth is quite empty.
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I'm one of those people who needs a queue.
The queue always attracts me more than an empty store. After all, it’s immediately clear that they give something there, isn’t it? ) And when it's empty, then, probably, nobody needs crap.
I don't feel happy when there are no people around. In addition, the main building of the temple was locked. We went around it from all sides. There was nowhere to get close to him.
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Temples in southern Thailand are taller, slimmer, and less ornate.
Southern temples do not cause awe. There is no fabulousness in them, or something. Or the eye is washed out by the end of the trip.
What is your opinion? Can the temples of the south compete with the temples of the north of Thailand?
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My husband was frankly bored. It was… nice, but nothing more.
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Further on, we have planned only an observation deck overlooking Phang Nga Bay.
We turn left and drive along a beautiful, completely empty road towards the bay.
On the way we get into a traffic jam. Unexpectedly) Some kind of road repair. The bus stopped, butcertainly it was taking the Chinese to our viewing station. Behind him is a semi-truck, children in the back. These Thais are not afraid of anything. Can you imagine a truck with children in the back in your city? )
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Samet Nangshe Viewpoint
When we drive up to the observation deck, my husband tries to taxi up the hill, but I ask him not to do this, the climb angle is very steep, and you can’t go there in your car!
We rolled down, bought a ticket and got into the back of a truck. And rushed straight up! )) I'll tell you: it was funscary. But beautiful and amazing. No not like this. It was AWESOME. It was the most beautiful place on our trip!
I deliberately don't show many photos. This needs to be watched live! It is such delight, such splendor, such boundlessness! I wanted to cry and fly! ))
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Then we quickly drove to the airport, returned the car and took the bus to Phuket Town.
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Phuket Town didn't come to us.
At first, I was afraid. I was afraid to go and I was afraid to cross the road. It is clear that this is not the fault of the city, but only my stupid impressionability, I suddenly remembered the morning message. And she became super-cautious, diligently pissing her husband off.
Secondly, it was very hot. Somehow there was air in Phang Nga, but here it all ended. That is, you can imagine the picture: 100 degrees of heat, I am frightened, pulling a suitcase, and my husband is a phlegm in a fierce rage)
We walk to the hostel. Oh, leave it! About a kilometer.
We quickly settled in, asked at the reception for a ferry ticket for tomorrow. The price did not suit us at all. One ticket cost as it should have cost two. Agree that 700 baht per person is very un-proletarian.
Let's go look for a travel agency. And here you are, with poppy seeds! There are no travel agencies in this city! No, of course they are, but they successfully hide from the eyes of the tourist.
Circling around the city. Irritation is multiplying and threatens to quarrel us today forever.
I don't shoot much, except occasionally.
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Finally, the woman who sold tickets for a trip to the night market took pity on us and literally took us by the hand to the same place where we started our search. At the travel agency, we bargained and bought a ferry ticket for a reasonable price - 375 baht for 1 ticket with a transfer from the hotel.
Now I feel hungry. It was evening, and we only had breakfast. Again we wander around the city, we don’t like everything, everything is not right and wrong. Finally, we settled down to have lunchfor dinner at a bookstore) Or a library. Nothing like the food, not the pinnacle of culinary thought, but the mood has improved.
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And then we had an eclipse and we went to the woman who took us to the travel agency to buy a ticket from her as a token of gratitude.
So we got to the night market. We didn't like the market. Well, how else? It was raining. It was dirty, nervous, crowded. Plenty of food, and we are full. Well, it's not good, you understand? ))
It happens that it's better to go to bed than to go somewhere. On the way back we rode a songteo with disco lights. I fidgeted, tried to photograph this miracle, and my husband was afraid that I would fall out and was terribly nervous again.
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The driver could not find our hotel for a long time and tried to drop us off anywhere. But we refused to leave until he took us to the right place. I showed him the map, he scratched his turnips, drove, stopped, again tried to drop us off and everything started all over again. But as a result, we still reached the hotel, although at some point I was already desperate.
Our district is very beautiful.
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My husband went to bed, his eyes wouldn't see me, and I went for a foot massage, to relieve stress. Massage was more expensive than in the north, which is logical, but somehow without a spark, which is understandable.
But still, life improved after the massage.
Hugger Hostel was great, but my husband didn't like it. Well, people do not like the word "hostel". Although I'm sure if he were in a different mood, he would appreciate it. At least it was better than a hut on rice terraces or a house in Fang National Park)
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Clean and comfortable. And cheap. What else does he need, you ask? )
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Thank God, this day ended without injuries, except for the moral trauma of my husband.
Don't switch! ))