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How are the sharks in the area?
In the film "The Beach" the heroes of the picture are eaten by a shark. How safe is it to swim around these islands?
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10 subscribers  • asked 2010-11-3014 years ago
Answers  •  34
аватар allenyshka
Are you joking? Or do you seriously believe what is shown in the movies? We swam, and all tourists go through water procedures, there is a whole "industry" of swimming - starting from Maya Bay, where the shark actually attacked the Swede brothers, then snorkeling from boats and swimming on the numerous islands of the Phi Phi archipelago. Rather, it is not safe for sharks to swim there, crowds of tourists are so numerous, everything strongly resembles Turkish waters - with boats, boats, swimming "from the side". And on the Beach itself, there is nowhere for an apple to fall, there are not enough places for parking ships, what kind of sharks? And all the hype - thanks to the film.
аватар papa74
And in Godzilla everyone was "torn" by a huge lizard ;)))
And King Kong? FEAR!
аватар HotLine
And today in Sharm, a shark - an acquaintance of Papa74 (see photo in the account) - bit off a woman's hand.
This is to keep some of these jokes stuck in their mouths for the rest of their lives.
аватар koroshchenko
NOT. Aptly said.
аватар HotLine
And note, I wrote this the day before yesterday. And yesterday and today new precedents happened.
аватар melulia2010
There are sharks - they cook very tasty! )))) In fact, everything is already said here in the comments)))
аватар papa74
HotLine, learn biology or ichthyology to know a little about the habitats of sharks..
Or what kind of sharks are found off the coast of Phi-Pi.
It will be useful, and the joke that is still stuck in your mouth will still "slip through"
Look, poking around in old posts again, detective.
аватар HotLine
Those. Do you think there are no sharks on Pee Pee?
Weird. You are such a cool expert on this topic.
I don't even know who to believe. to you or texts like
"It's not uncommon to see tiger sharks, black fin sharks and even whale sharks while diving."
People even post pictures of themselves.
аватар HotLine
But the habitat of the tiger shark
All Tai is there.
Another quote:
"Tiger sharks are universally considered one of the most dangerous fish. In the West Indies, tiger sharks are the most feared of all other marine animals that live there in huge numbers. In Australia, most attacks on humans are attributed to them."
аватар papa74
2005 --- at a distance of 100 miles from the shore - a fisherman (on deck!)
2001 --- fell overboard, bite (live)
2000 --- diver, Phangnga Island, Southern Thailand
1966 --- no detail
Where are the tourists, what beaches? Read the question again.
аватар papa74
1 05-Dec-2010 Renate Seiffert - Sharm el-Sheikh Middle Garden Snorkeling Fatal - Oceanic
2 01-Dec-2010 Yevgeniy (Eugene) - Sharm el-Sheikh Ras Nasrani Snorkeling Both arms severely bitten -Mako
3 01-Dec-2010 Viktor Koliy - Sharm el-Sheikh Ras Nasrani Snorkeling multiple leg injuries - Mako
4 30-Nov-2010 Olga Martsenko - Sharm el-Sheikh Coral Bay Snorkeling Foot and arm bitten - Oceanic
5 30-Nov-2010 Lyudmila Stolyarova - Sharm-el-Sheikh Coral Bay Snorkeling Foot severed, Right forearm severed, lacerations to left hand (defense wounds) - Oceanic
6 20-Oct-2010 Elena Rubanovich. - Sharm el-Sheik Snorkeling Multiple lacerations to left leg and foot
7 04-Apr-2010 James Elliott - Sharm el-Sheikh Swimming / treading water severe injuries, including a severed Achille's tendon to left leg - Oceanic
8 03-Jun-2009 Male - Marsa Alam, Red Sea St John Scuba Diving Cuts to hand - Oceanic
9 02-Jun-2009 Luc ? M-St. Johns Reef Habili Gafar Scuba diving 3 cm laceration to shoulder - Oceanic
аватар papa74
10 01-Jun-2009 Katrina Tipio - St. Johns Reef Habili Gafar Snorkeling Fatal - bitten on the leg when she surfaced, and the shark was still biting her as she was pulled onto the boat. -Oceanic
11 28-Nov-2008 Unknown - Elphinstone Reef Scuba Diving - Shark School class Bite to hand and fingers Oceantic
12 18-Jul-2008 Unknown - Daedalus's reef Spearfishing Loss of Leg Oceanic
13 27-Sep-2007 Kristina Aleksandrova - Swimming Severe lacerations to lower left leg, ankle and foot - Oceanic
14 02-Jul-2004 Mirjam Buser a Swiss tourist - Dahab Snorkeling Hand severed - Blacktip
15 14-Feb-2004 Egyptian male M - Coral Bay Snorkeling - Fatal
16 03-Jan-2004 135 passengers & 13 crew -Sea Disaster - Flash Airlines crashed in Red Sea No survivors, sharks scavenged on remains
17 06-Nov-2003 Igor Fedorov M - Ras Mohamed Park Snorkeling Hand/elbow injured - Oceanic
18 00-xxx-2003 male M - Ras Mohammed Snorkeling Minor injury to left arm
19 14-Aug-1997 Nagah Attallah El-Sayed - Safaga Shark Fishing Severely injured - Oceanic
20 14-Aug-1997 Ayman Abul Hassan - Safaga Fishing Fatal - Oceanic
21 23-Jul-1996 Martin Christopher Richardson
аватар papa74
Safaga Fishing Fatal - Oceanic
And that's just in recent years...
аватар HotLine
It's easy to argue with you. Gaps in logic.
After citing statistics, papa74 admitted that he was mistaken. There are sharks in the Phi Phi area. And there were attacks.
Those. and papa74's first answer was incorrect, and I should have apologized for attacking me about knowledge of ichthyology. Well, okay, we are already accustomed to such methods of discussion.
I read the statistics on attacks with interest. If you had answered that way at the beginning, I would not have written anything here at all.
But you are forgetting one important detail. No people - no attacks on people. I think it's understandable. Those. where there is less Snorkeling, Fishing and Scuba Diving, there are fewer attacks. In Thailand, it is less. And compare the attacks of Australia and Egypt. Australia is ahead. And the sharks there are the same as in Tae.
So your statistics show only one thing - attacks are more frequent in Egypt than in Thailand. But it does not show where the likelihood of an attack is lower.
аватар papa74
I repeat that earlier HotLine was a more adequate interlocutor.
Now everything is completely bad, he succeeded in tourism trainings, but he lost a person ...
Let your subordinates apologize to you ...
аватар allenyshka
Boys, break - peace, friendship, chewing gum! Enough already, you are both very cool and competent specialists in your field, let's put up! Sharks, like the weather, are an inadequate and unpredictable thing, who knows what is on their minds and where they will be carried.
аватар HotLine
allenyshka, thanks, of course. But the problem is much deeper than the dispute in the thread 5 months ago. And they didn't come back here by chance.
First, papa74 doesn't consider me a real person. He thinks I'm a clone.
Secondly, papa74 simply does not know how to argue. All counter arguments are accepted with hostility and immediately the dispute turns into personal assaults. King Kongs, study ichthyology, the whole last post. In other branches and obscene posts were.
Well, I would have written - I was mistaken, there are sharks, but the statistics are such, the probability is small, it is not dangerous. He can't write like that. Goes to personal attacks - the entire last post.
Thirdly, this branch is an echo of today's battles in new branches, where papa74 "fights" for the truth about Egypt. But, unfortunately, in the same style as here.
All arguments of the Egyptian residents are rejected on the principle -
"Shut up! I'm tired of listening
Leisure time for me to sort out your guilt, puppy!
It's your fault that I want to eat."
аватар papa74
First, sent a long time ago ...
аватар papa74
Second, far...
аватар papa74
after this change the orientation)))
аватар papa74
"I will be forced to come down to you and apply physical measures associated with a violent change in your sexual orientation !!!". Something like this ... "
аватар Vadim77
HotLine, if you are a complete layman in the topic - better keep silent and do not make people laugh. Have you been to pee pee? I've been here twice. After the tsunami there are no sharks at all. Nowhere. None. Even safe leopards (not to be confused with tigers) are gone. There is even a place called Sharks Point. So the sharks are no longer there. And it’s generally funny to read about ma-ya-bay - there’s nowhere to go and everything is forced by boats. What are sharks? What are you speaking about?
In fact, sharks can be found everywhere. In Croatia, for example, not so long ago there was a case of the murder of a diver by a great white. In Italy, this is not uncommon at all. Did you know about it? Do you know that the notorious longimanus (who did business in Egypt) is considered by experts to be one of the most dangerous sharks. Often more dangerous than the tiger, because. absolutely no reverence for a person does not experience. Tiger in this regard is more careful. But this miracle lives at a depth and Egypt 2010 is a complete anomaly. You can meet a killer shark in any of the seas that have access to the ocean. But the chances of this happening are microscopic. As well as the fact that you will be attacked by it.
My advice to you is to watch "Jaws" less often.
аватар HotLine
Another ichthyologist.
Vadim77, bad form to start a discussion in this tone.
The command "keep quiet and don't make people laugh" looks stupid. And it is absolutely stupid to assert something global on the basis of your two-time visit to P.P.I.
And if you argue with someone, then in order for it not to look stupid and completely stupid, at least read the argument given earlier.
I never wrote anywhere that I am a specialist that I have personally seen and have great knowledge of ichthyology.
I referred to competent sources of information:
- Wikipedia
- reviews of real tourists
- and the funny thing is that the source that my opponent pointed out also proves that there are sharks. What caused such a violent reaction papa74. And is a serious source, it's not for you to dive on P-P two times.
Emotions get in the way of being objective and competent.
Replace "HotLine" in your post with "wikipedia and" that I quoted and see what it looks like. And it looks like I wrote at the beginning of this post.
аватар Vadim77
It is useless to argue with people like you. You write that you are not a specialist and immediately draw peremptory conclusions about what you don’t understand a bit (as you yourself admitted). Where are the arguments in your posts? A post by some tourist who managed to see a tiger, reef and whale shark on Pee Pee? I can tell you with 100% accuracy that this person is not even a liar, but a complete f..n. The density of these fish there is such that you can dive for 10 years and not see any of them. And here he writes that he saw all three - or did you put it wrong? Do you even know what a whale shark is and about its colossal danger to humans? Read at least on Wiki. And you can read about reefs there.
My emotions are caused by the fact that some people write nonsense and their own inventions, while others reprint them with their own details. As a result, impressionable tourists who read this are afraid to go into the water. The chance of being attacked (and even more so killed) by a shark is so negligible that it can be compared with your chances of dying from a falling brick. And this is in places where their density and the danger of species are many times greater than in Tae.
Do not intimidate people with your speculation. Or before you write, delve into the topic.
аватар HotLine
Man has become rational precisely because he has the ability to use not only personal experience. Try it. And you will discover a lot for yourself.
For example, on this topic.
Check out this thread.
An inexperienced person asked a question, a great expert papa74 mocked a person.
I made a remark. In Egypt at that time, everyone also giggled at similar questions. This was later realized by everyone - there are sharks in the Red Sea, they were and will be.
papa74 started to "teach" me too. 5 months after the first posts. At that time, he was just escalating the information situation in Egypt. And sharks scared, and revolutionary events. Fulfilled an order. For which he received from his own sources of information. For lack of arguments, he switched to personal insults.
You can read about papa74 in the news of his account or on the forum:
I was one of the few who opposed this nonsense.
аватар HotLine
Now you continue the great work of exaggerated experts. If you like Thai and want to know more about it, then don't just rely on personal experience. Read articles about shark halos. Run a Google search for the text I quoted:
"It's not uncommon to see tiger sharks, black fin sharks and even whale sharks while diving."
Explore the site cited here
And understand my findings:
"But you forget about one essential detail. No people - no attacks on people. I think this is understandable. That is, where there are fewer Snorkeling, Fishing and Scuba Diving, there are fewer attacks. In Thailand, it is less. And compare by attacks Australia and Egypt, Australia is ahead, and the sharks there are the same as in Thailand.
So your statistics show only one thing - attacks are more frequent in Egypt than in Thailand. But it does not show where the likelihood of an attack is lower."
In Thailand, the same sharks as in Australia. It is obvious. Look at the geographic map and the halo map.
Another question is why they are not seen by ordinary tourists.
I expressed my personal opinion on this issue.
аватар HotLine
In Egypt, in Sharm, few people saw them either. Now everyone understands that this does not mean that they do not exist.
аватар Tana999
There are sharks on Phi Phi - at least one. I saw it in person while diving. I don't know which one, but she's beautiful. Nearby, as usual, some kind of long fish. The instructor said that it is not dangerous - like the jaws cannot be grabbed from it. It seemed to me that I was 50 centimeters away from her, but under water it seems closer
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