Раньше отдыхали в районе отелей Дор- Шада, Равиндра, но хотим по ближе к центру, но в отель по уровню и по уединенности как вышеназванные, рассматриваем как вариант Гранд херитейдж
Previously, we rested in the area of the hotels of Dor Shad, Ravindra, but we want to be closer to the center, but we consider the hotel in terms of level and privacy as the above, we consider Grand Heritage as an option
Previously, we rested in the area of the hotels of Dor Shad, Ravindra, but we want to be closer to the center, but we consider the hotel in terms of level and privacy as the above, we consider Grand Heritage as an option
2 subscribers •
2016-05-319 years ago