Question about hotel Ravindra Beach Resort & Spa 4*

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Question for Amir.
Hello! Where are you located and how to get to you from Ravinda?
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4 subscribers  • asked 2012-02-1613 years ago
Answers  •  12
аватар Lina23S
I’ll send you the website of his company in a personal message, it’s not at all necessary to go to their office in Pattaya, agree in advance, I discussed all the questions on Skype and when we arrived we phoned and the guys themselves came to our hotel.))
аватар 1ean
Please send me the coordinates of Amir in a personal.
аватар Lina23S
1ean has already thrown off, this is the website of his company in contacts there are Skype and phones.
аватар 1ean
Thanks a lot
аватар Lina23S
You are welcome.)))
аватар Amir1
You don't need to search for me. A tourist should rest, and not look for something and strain with something. This should be done by the one who receives money for this.
The easiest way is to write a letter to [email protected]
Please indicate in your letter:
1. Date and time of arrival in Bangkok.
2. The name of the hotel in Pattaya.
3. Surname and name as in the passport, in Latin.
We will find you on the day of arrival, we will show and tell you everything. And then it's up to you to decide whether to serve us or not.
The meeting, of course, is free of charge and does not oblige you to anything.
аватар 1ean
If we are talking about spending 2-3 months in Thailand next season, do you provide services for the selection of housing and other related issues. And how far in advance should you worry about this issue.
аватар Amir1
I can find an apartment. Help on the spot in my spare time, too, can do. Or by phone at any time. It is best to look for an apartment at least a month in advance, because. good options sell out quickly.
аватар 1ean
Thank you. If nothing unforeseen happens, then in the autumn I will contact you. Of course, we are talking about the provision of services on a paid basis.
And one more question. I was in Thailand twice, though on excursion programs. In addition to the traditional Bangkok and Pattaya, I saw the north of the country, and Phuket and Koh Samui. Actually, that's why the idea was born to spend the winter in this country. What place in Thailand, in your opinion, would make sense to consider for such a residence. In such a way that it would be quite secluded, but there was an opportunity to swim in the sea, and travel around the country, see, and just live.
аватар Amir1
I will not do such services for money. If I don’t invest anything financially, I don’t understand how I can take money for it. It's just human help. For services on a paid basis, contact a real estate agency.
Where to live? This is individual for everyone. Depends on the character, way of life, etc. It's hard for me to judge this for you. We, for example, die of boredom in 3 days on the island. Therefore, we live in Pattaya and only occasionally for 3 days we leave for the islands. I just can't stand big cities. In the Emirates, I was generally wild. I don't understand this. That's why it's not Bangkok. Pattaya remained the method of exclusion. We live in a swamp, so that both in the city and far from it. But we ride bikes, so it's no problem to get anywhere. As a tourist, I don't know. This is purely individual.
аватар 1ean
Thank you. There are many questions, but there is no point in asking them now. When it comes to specifics, I hope you will not refuse to consult. Thank you again.
аватар Aleks_Sandra
Amir has a wonderful and very soulful meeting of tourists! Thank you!)) Amir, to which address you can send pictures, please write in a personal. Amir) hi!
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