Question about recreation center Sojuz 2*

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Related question «Documents and borders»
How to get a visa and buy a tour package?
I want to go to Slovakia for the Christmas holidays. Where and how can I get a ticket and a visa to Biansk Stiavnica?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
4 subscribers  • asked 2013-08-0112 years ago
Answers  •  4
аватар sent2008
In the search engine, type "tour to Slovakia", decide on TO. You can apply for a visa through the TO, or independently through the embassy.
аватар EspritSlovakia
Dobryj den, mozhete napisat i na, rady organizujem i posovetujem chorosij otel, mesto, gida na russkom. V Stiavnice choroso posmotret gorod / stary i novy hrad i sledujusceje dostoprimechatelnosti s chorosim gidom. Visa sdelajet TO jest neskolko partnerov or mozhete na osnove vouchera ot Esprit Travel oformit samostajatelno v konsulstve Slovakii. Rada detailno napishu.
Na sajte prezde vsego nashe osnovnoje predloyhenie po kurortam / sanatoriam
Jana Piestany Slovakia
Azbuka na etom kompe ne vklucena, nadejus sto info poniatna.
аватар nata_rom
Hello Yana. I understood your answer. It is important for me to get a visa for 2 weeks in this city. I would be grateful if you help me. It is better if he does THAT, through the embassy they will be for a long time. Sincerely, Natalia
аватар EspritSlovakia
Dobryj den Natalia,
napishite pozhalujsta na pochtu bolee detalno
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