Voronovo 3*– Reviews

Rating 6.410
based on
7 reviews
№3 in the hotel rating Podmoskovye-West
The Federal State Institution "Sanatorium" Voronovo "is located in the south-west direction from Moscow (Podolsky district), on the territory of the historical estate of Voronovo, known as the family estate of the Volynsky princes. "Voronovo Sanatorium" is an architectural and historical complex, which includes: a large park with walking paths, a large pond, a historic estate (renovated in 2004), a Dutch house, a church and a sanatorium building with a sports complex, a swimming pool and a medical department.More →
 •  traveled 9 years ago
Rating 9.0
Rested with my husband on November 6-8.2015. 1st building, 2.800 rubles. per day per person, i. e. the cheapest option. In general, the impression is very positive. They met us halfway: they gave us a room at the farthest end of the building, away from children, discos, a concert hall, etc. A wonderful room - clean, good plumbing, everything works : ) - from the kettle to the toilet : ), the window overlooks the forest an unfrequented path. … More ▾ Rested with my husband on November 6-8.2015. 1st building, 2.800 rubles. per day per person, i. e. the cheapest option. In general, the impression is very positive. They met us halfway: they gave us a room at the farthest end of the building, away from children, discos, a concert hall, etc. A wonderful room - clean, good plumbing, everything works : ) - from the kettle to the toilet : ), the window overlooks the forest an unfrequented path. Quiet, comfortable! We went - on the recommendation of relatives - for silence, air, just a change of scenery + a pool and the absence of household worries. The pool is excellent in every way! The condition of the lobby and corridors of the building is really perfect. Marble, wild stone, living plants. The views - both from the windows and in reality - are wonderful! There is something to see - a manor, a Dutch house, a temple, a gallery, etc. , they wrote about it. I really liked that at the exit of the building you can take sticks for Nordic walking. Cool simulators, ping-pong - played to your heart's content. If we really carp at the room, then, firstly, we were somewhat dumbfounded by the fact that when we checked in in the evening, on the bed, on the bedspread, they found a large dented circle of tufts of black wool (a dog lived? did someone comb out a fur coat? ). It was reluctant to go to swear, besides, we are persistent people, we have seen nothing like this)). He carefully rolled up the coverlet and tucked it away into the closet. Under the bedspread was clean linen, thank God, without wool. Secondly, the acrylic (? ) seams in the mold and plaque in the shower cabin do not look very attractive, although everything else is sparkling clean. Thirdly, I got a mattress squeezed on one side ((. It’s good that someone in the reviews wrote about large uncomfortable pillows (synthetic winterizer), I have severe osteochondrosis, I grabbed my special pillow and did it right. I was afraid that the mattress not suitable - although it was crooked, it fit, although it could have been better. The padding blankets were immediately changed to thin woolen ones, it’s very good that there is a choice (woolen blankets were in the closet). Yes, there is an inconvenience with drying things after the pool - the heated towel rail is small, it is reluctant to hang chairs in the room. Special thanks for the fan in the bathroom! We greatly appreciated this! It is warm in the building, you can walk in summer clothes, but all people are different, someone went in sweaters and fur vests. Impressions from food are complex - in my opinion, this is the weakest point of the sanatorium. Yes, I agree: as they wrote above, Soviet-style canteen food, however, is far from the worst. Somewhat tasteless, without soul. Moreover, the assortment, as we understand it, depends either on the price (this is true), or on the length of stay. We had the cheapest option. We didn't go hungry and we all ate. The dishes are quite simple and could be tasty, but. . . either they are cooked on some margarine that is not the best, or the pans are poorly washed, or the original raw materials are not of very high quality. . . Potatoes are yellow, tasteless in all dishes. . . In addition, everything is very salty, for my taste. You get up from the table, and there is a taste of margarine and salt in your mouth ((. Water for tea / coffee in thermo pots does not boil to the end, it is actually raw: you put sugar and a tea bag, a characteristic white foam appears on the surface. It is better to drink tea in the room. By the way, very tasty tea from spring water (the spring is nearby, at the far end of the 1st building). I personally really lacked dairy and sour-milk products, although in the evening a small box of kefir was regularly given out (kefir is delicious! ). The set of dishes is very strange for me, for example, for breakfast: grated beets with peanuts (!? ) and a “spit” of sour cream or cottage cheese casserole with sour cream, then azu with pasta (or something else to choose from, it seems, boiled fish with mashed potatoes ), 2 pieces of cheese with 10 g sl. butter (pure margarine tastes) in a portion box, a bag of Nescafe instant coffee, portioned cream 1 pc. By the way, I didn’t like the fish at all in any form, with the possible exception of the “Suvorov-style” soup: pieces of white fish such as cod + mushrooms + potatoes, carrots, onions and olives; and red fish skewers - 3 small pieces on a skewer. The most delicious (against the background of the rest) is natural pork (but not everyone eats it). Portions, in my opinion, on the one hand, are not very large, on the other hand, the meal consists of several, sometimes not very compatible, dishes - for a child this is a lot, for a woman it’s also too much just in terms of the number of dishes, for example, I would be better I would eat one thing: either a casserole, or fish, and not a piece of cottage cheese casserole with a piece of fish, you see, this does not go very well; for an adult male - a little. The husband, for example, looked with surprise at dinner at a chicken cutlet with a side dish of a bunch of grated boiled carrots without oil and a spoonful of green peas. I don’t know if I could have survived 10 days of such food. . . A separate song is the incessant roar of babies in the dining room. Is it really impossible to seat at least in different directions families with children and others who have come to rest in peace and quiet, and not force everyone to listen to this cry. It is possible after all and to appoint a different time! Or open up the dining room. In general, somehow solve this issue! Especially nervous I recommend to go to the dining room either with earplugs, or with a player with headphones)). The deafening roar of the younger generation meets you on the way to the dining room! By the way, we were told that there are not very many children in Voronovo - they have nothing to do there. Maybe it was once, now there are quite a lot of small children there. It is a pity that on the territory of the sanatorium there is no store with every little thing such as batteries, combs, toothbrushes, etc. , as well as tea, coffee, etc. There are very few souvenirs (sold in the bar and in the Sports Cafe). The forest in the area around the 1st building is really in a terrible state, it's just a pity! Solid deadwood from the affected fir trees, which, as already mentioned, can indeed fall on someone's head at one fine moment. In the forest, sometimes it no longer smells of needles, but simply of rotten wood. Something definitely needs to be done with the forest, otherwise pretty soon there will be only one windbreak with thickets of wild raspberries in its place. . In a non-alcoholic bar next to the pool, I would like to see a wider assortment and maybe a slightly different interior, with less publicity, in other words, it would be better to somehow fence off visitors from each other! It's great that the sanatorium does not smoke and there is no alcohol (it is also prohibited). Just a name day of the heart! True, vacationers smoke in the rooms, alas, there was a smell, and sometimes they sipped "beer" with roach from under the doors, but this is already nitpicking)). The audience is mostly calm, not counting the screaming babies in the dining room and flocks of merry youth of 10-13 years old (holidays! ). Peace and quiet is a big plus for us. I am writing in such detail, firstly, for friends who are thinking of going to Voronovo (you won’t scare them with such nonsense as fish with cottage cheese casserole, but you need to be prepared for this)), and secondly, for those who, like I, first likes to collect information, and then go. And there was little information about Voronovo.
Review from — vOtpusk.ru
 •  traveled 9 years ago
Rating 3.0
We celebrated a wedding on 08/15/15 for 33 people in this restaurant, the hall is beautiful and spacious, probably this is the only thing you can praise them with! The service is terrible, all the dirty plates were on the tables, the bottles fell on the floor and no one cleaned them up. During the banquet, the waiters were sitting on the sofas where the guests were sitting. … More ▾ We celebrated a wedding on 08/15/15 for 33 people in this restaurant, the hall is beautiful and spacious, probably this is the only thing you can praise them with! The service is terrible, all the dirty plates were on the tables, the bottles fell on the floor and no one cleaned them up. During the banquet, the waiters were sitting on the sofas where the guests were sitting....where has this ever been seen ?? ? The meat was served late, and even half-baked! The portions are very small and the prices are sky high!! ! But the most interesting thing, at the end of our banquet, I went up to pay the bill, and the restaurant manager began to demand a tip from me (a woman 40-45 years old, fair-haired with shoulder-length hair... I don’t remember her name), which she was refused , but she did not stop there, she simply began to interrogate each of our guests on the topic: "how do you like food and service", to which she also received an unsatisfactory answer....She approached me 5 times and asked for a tip... If they could not satisfy 33 people, what then to talk about 180 (as they stated). I do not recommend this restaurant to anyone!
Review from — vOtpusk.ru
 •  traveled 10 years ago
Rating 7.0
Rested in November 2014. I liked the fact that everything is in one building and the dining room, and the pool, and the rooms. For me, this is essential in cold weather. The single room is small, ok for a short stay. The downside is that there is practically nowhere to dry things. On the heated towel rail, everything dried slowly, the same swimsuit. … More ▾ Rested in November 2014. I liked the fact that everything is in one building and the dining room, and the pool, and the rooms. For me, this is essential in cold weather. The single room is small, ok for a short stay. The downside is that there is practically nowhere to dry things. On the heated towel rail, everything dried slowly, the same swimsuit. The pool is probably the best of their sanatoriums near Moscow. Now for the not so good. This is nutrition. All the days of my stay I felt discomfort, and not only me (husband, neighbors at the table, they didn’t even have dinner on the day of departure). The portions are small, the goulash can be counted on the fingers, the cutlets did not taste like meat. The food is the biggest minus for me in this resort. It has worsened over the years. The territory is large, but there are a lot of fallen trees in the forest, pine trees are significantly affected by carob, this is depressing. In general, when compared with other places of rest, Voronovo is not the worst place, and if the food improved, it would become one of the best. It is a pity that the administration does not respond to complaints from vacationers and does not read reviews.
Review from — vOtpusk.ru
 •  traveled 10 years ago
Rating 3.0
I just got bored and decided to share. Greeted at the reception by negatively minded employees with a boorish attitude. To all the questions why there are no shampoos and shower gels in the room, the woman at the reception (if I'm not mistaken, her name is Luda) answered with an impudent look that shampoos are provided only for suites. … More ▾ I just got bored and decided to share. Greeted at the reception by negatively minded employees with a boorish attitude. To all the questions why there are no shampoos and shower gels in the room, the woman at the reception (if I'm not mistaken, her name is Luda) answered with an impudent look that shampoos are provided only for suites. Rooms. Towels are changed only on request, after they began to throw them on the floor, the cleaners hung them back. This is probably because all the cleaners are non-Russian and do not understand anything. Then we always tried to be present during cleaning, to control the replacement of towels and to keep track of our belongings. This is the first time I've come across such a thing that it's scary to leave your room unattended !! ! Food. The Soviet Union "pleases with its abundance and diversity. " Concrete canteen, hospital food. Half of the items on the menu are out of stock, although asking to be given a menu is also a big challenge. It seems to me that cooks take normal food home, and put everything that is stale on the table. Nothing to do here with kids. This is not the first sanatorium in my life, but I have not seen such a nightmarish food. Medical Corps. The latest equipment and qualified doctors. Of course, a little strange room, a large white corridor with dirty floors seems to be escorting you on your last journey, but these are all the little things in life. Territory. Huge beautiful unkempt area. Of course, half of the forest is just dead, and looking at the head a log will fall, I didn’t go for a walk with my grandson in the forest. We walked mostly along the paths near the pond, but of course you can’t ride a scooter, asphalt was made 20 years ago and I was afraid that the child would break his neck. The bridge across the pond wobbles mysteriously in the wind… We could build some kind of playground… A swimming pool. The pool is of course very good, with a slide for the child. We were delighted. The tiles on the floors and walls of the pool were overgrown with corals, but this did not spoil our impression at all. The pool is a huge plus. In conclusion, I want to say that the price does not match the quality at all. I have been to several sanatoriums in the southern direction of the Moscow region and have never seen worse. Of course, I will not return here anymore, nostalgia for the Soviet Union is not for me.
Review from — vOtpusk.ru
 •  traveled 11 years ago
Rating 7.0
Just returned from a 2 day trip. I'll write what I didn't like. First, overpriced in the low season. Everyone makes discounts, they have an empty sanatorium, it is not clear how they make a profit? The main gripe is that they didn’t give us a menu ? ! They said that there is, or what is left for us. Huge portions are a fairy tale. … More ▾ Just returned from a 2 day trip. I'll write what I didn't like. First, overpriced in the low season. Everyone makes discounts, they have an empty sanatorium, it is not clear how they make a profit? The main gripe is that they didn’t give us a menu ? ! They said that there is, or what is left for us. Huge portions are a fairy tale. The husband literally counted how many pieces of meat he had in a plate-4.
The first day they ate what they gave. On the second day, after reading the menu from a neighbor, I said that we wanted to.
Even the second courses were always cold. Imagine eating mashed potatoes from a package not warmed up, and you also want to eat a cutlet with meat hotter.
The sofa in the room was broken, they fixed it on the second day. Very bad water mixers, boiling water flows, you have to contrive to pick up the normal temperature. Toilet paper is sandpaper. It was possible to put a 2-layer Zeva, especially since there is no bidet.
There are no packages for hygienic waste. The renovation of the rooms is fresh, the rooms themselves are small. The equipment of the room did not seem to me successful. In the bathroom itself, an acrylic insert, or some kind of plastic, bends. Curtains are already the last century.
Repair on the filling is obsolete. For 2 days I paid 16.000 rubles for 2 people, a junior suite. It is not cheap.
Again, if I paid a penny, as the employees of the department pay, I would not have such claims. Otherwise, the territory is large, a lot of space for walking, a very nice pool.
Review from — vOtpusk.ru
 •  traveled 11 years ago
Rating 7.0
I read the reviews and it makes me sad. . . My husband and I rested in Voronovo in September 1999. Double room, standard, furniture was normal, refrigerator and TV worked. In the bathroom, the plumbing was in good order, but of course there was simply no question of shampoos and gels, they brought everything with them. … More ▾ I read the reviews and it makes me sad. . . My husband and I rested in Voronovo in September 1999. Double room, standard, furniture was normal, refrigerator and TV worked. In the bathroom, the plumbing was in good order, but of course there was simply no question of shampoos and gels, they brought everything with them. Fed just for slaughter! And by prior order. I can say that in the dining room or restaurant, call it whatever you like, we never came with a feeling of hunger. Four meals a day and yogurt for the night! As a result, after the rest, they gained 4 kg each! The territory is stunning in beauty, 12 hectares of ponds, just huge, bike rides, horseback riding, a swimming pool, a tennis court, a library and dancing in the evening (well, who wanted, of course, mostly only women). There was a very beautiful hall, a huge chandelier, similar to an ice block. In short, we all loved it! And the prices were reasonable. We arrived by car, paid for the vouchers directly in the accounting department and immediately settled in. The car was left in the parking lot, very convenient. Were very satisfied! It’s a pity that now everything has fallen apart so much, and the prices have gone up and I also read reviews on another site, they write that the staff is just rude! Very, very sorry!
Review from — vOtpusk.ru
 •  traveled 18 years ago
Rating 9.0
In the sanatorium "Voronovo" my husband and I rested three times: in different years on weekends (April 2005, March 2006 and February 2007). We are young (about 30), childless and picky. : -) Fell in love with "Voronovo" at first sight, we liked literally everything: - a huge territory of an old estate planning with a powerful forest area (160 hectares), as well as old buildings; - a huge main building - an "architectural miracle" of mature socialism; - a wonderful sincere dining room with sparing tasty food of a typical boarding house type; - a modest "standard" room in good condition with a TV set and an electric kettle (! ) - a magnificent, large pool with various waterfalls, countercurrents, "mushroom" and a slide for children - great sauna with access to the pool. … More ▾ In the sanatorium "Voronovo" my husband and I rested three times: in different years on weekends (April 2005, March 2006 and February 2007). We are young (about 30), childless and picky. : -) Fell in love with "Voronovo" at first sight, we liked literally everything:
- a huge territory of an old estate planning with a powerful forest area (160 hectares), as well as old buildings;
- a huge main building - an "architectural miracle" of mature socialism;
- a wonderful sincere dining room with sparing tasty food of a typical boarding house type;
- a modest "standard" room in good condition with a TV set and an electric kettle (! )
- a magnificent, large pool with various waterfalls, countercurrents, "mushroom" and a slide for children
- great sauna with access to the pool.
Unfortunately, we were not lucky with the winter weather, and we never had the opportunity to go skiing or skating (although the territory is very conducive to this! ). But we walked a lot, took pictures and swam twice a day. In the evenings we watched movies in the cinema.
Also on the balance of the sanatorium is a wonderful art gallery, which was collected by the first director. Free tours are led there, at the same time telling the story of the Voronovo estate. Very informative.
Unfortunately, now (November 2009) the main building with a swimming pool is being renovated, and my husband and I are forced to look for something else. Nothing like this for the same money in the suburbs is not offered!! ! : -(
We are confident that Voronovo is one of the best post-Soviet holiday homes in terms of price-quality ratio.
Review from — vOtpusk.ru

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Федеральное Государственное Учреждение «Санаторий «Вороново» расположен в юго-западном направлении от Москвы (Подольский район), на территории исторической усадьбы Вороново, известной как родовое поместье князей Волынских. «Санаторий «Вороново» - это архитектурно-исторический комплекс, в который входит: большой парк с пешеходными дорожками, большим прудом, Историческая усадьба (отреставрирована в 2004 году), Голландский домик, церковь и здание санатория со спортивным комплексом, бассейном и медицинским отделением.

Location 37 км от МКАД по Калужскому шоссе.
In a hotel

Ресторан-столовая в каждом корпусе. Кафе, бар в корпусе №1, бассейн (36х24) (вода пресная, подогреваемая) в отдельном крыле корпусе №1, сауны, теннисные корты (открытые площадки и закрытый теннисный корт в спортивном зале корпуса №1, настольный теннис, детская комната, парикмахерская, косметический кабинет, тренажерный зал, кинозал, танцевальный зал, бильярдная, библиотека, телефон, открытые детские игровые площадки, прокат лодок спортинвентаря (велосипеды, роликовые коньки, удочки, мячи), верховая езда на лошадях, шашлычная, охраняемая автостоянка. Проводятся экскурсии, вечера отдыха. Рядом картинная галерея.

Description of rooms

Номера от одноместных стандартов до трехкомнатных люксов.

In the rooms

TV, холодильник, столик, кресло, балкон, совмещенный с/у (душ, умывальник, туалет). В полулюксе - раздельный с/у. В люксе - телефон.

The address 142160 Московская обл., Подольский р-н, с. Вороново.