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what clothes to take a child to a schoolboy?
15 years ago  •  4 subscribers 5 answers
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I will join the previous speakers - follow the forecast. I also want to add that shopping in Munich is very pleasant in terms of quality and prices, so you can buy good clothes for a child on the spot. I wore mine from head to toe in one store in 20 minutes. An excellent ski jacket for a 5-year-old was bought two weeks ago for 30 euros. Farther...
Hello!!! For the first time I am going abroad to Germany to visit a friend who lives in Blankenberge near Schwerin. How much money to take with you so that you can live and bring gifts with you. I will be in Germany for a week. Thank you.
14 years ago  •  7 subscribers 19 answers
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Why do I need to put euros on the card? On which card and where will it need to be done? Thank you!!! Farther...
Thanks in advance.......
16 years ago  •  14 subscribers 17 answers
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Fur and leather products can be seen in the shopping centers of the Selda company. They are in almost every city in Turkey. They have a good value for money ratio. Farther...
Are there any shops open that day? Would you like to do a little shopping + buy souvenirs?
16 years ago  •  2 subscribers 1 answer
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I remember from a trip to Berlin that shops there were not open on weekends (Sundays, major religious holidays), but on May 1, Friday, they should be open. Farther...
Good afternoon! Tell me, who opened a tourist visa to Germany on their own, how realistic is this (a young unmarried girl, no children)?
16 years ago  •  7 subscribers 8 answers
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ameli2911 is right. From Prague it is very easy to get to Germany. A train from the Holesovice station or a bus from Florence to Dresden, two and a half hours on the way, tickets are about 30 Euros, I can’t say more precisely. Farther...
Hello everyone... I'm 13 years old and my class and I are going to Germany. I want to ask you what you need to take with you and how much money you need to live one week?
12 years ago  •  5 subscribers 15 answers
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Well, 70 euros a day is a huge exaggeration!!!! So is the food at the hotel paid or not? At a minimum, a hotel with breakfast should be. Well, then, Turkish denors are sold in all cities, super tasty, young people love them very much. A medium one costs about 3.00 euros, and a very large one costs 5-6 euros. This is an adult man to eat and be full, not like a child. Pizza is sold everywhere, in different stalls, it is not necessary to go to a pizzeria, order and wait for it there, you can ... Farther...