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6 years ago  •  10 subscribers 20 answers
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And the Crimean sailors never called a watermelon a berry ... Farther...
I would like to know if the hotel beach is open due to shark attacks? What is generally known? We have a flight on December 9, we are worried.
14 years ago  •  11 subscribers 57 answers
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I think so: exceptionally strong-willed people should gather in Rehan, who were not afraid of anything and still came!)) Farther...
I understand that the Mediterranean Sea is not famous for shark attacks, but still they are there. Is there a shark net around the platform in this hotel? And it’s not clear in the photo whether it’s buoys or a network Thanks.
12 years ago  •  9 subscribers 24 answers
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Oleksii64 About nonsense. And why immediately so aggressively - nonsense. I, too, can call your every word nonsense. Do you sell tours there? ...then it's clear.. I, unfortunately, consider it nonsense, the disregard for people's lives on the part of the owners of hotels where shark nets are not installed. And she doesn’t intend to pay big money for a vacation at random, and I don’t advise others until the negligent owners take care of people’s lives. And it turns out that he looked a ... Farther...
It is very difficult to find information about hotels that have saltwater pools. How would you get the list?
14 years ago  •  8 subscribers 9 answers
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100% at Sunrise Le Jardine. Former Festival. This is Hurghada. But the hotel, although five stars ........ I personally did not like it. There is a pool with sea water, but there is no sea. Azov in comparison to it. Farther...
Tell me which sea in Russia you can go to (black or Azov), where is it already more or less warm? Where will you be able to swim? We are traveling with 2 adults and a 5 year old.
14 years ago  •  3 subscribers 8 answers
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Mido! These tips "in general" are a little wrong, I have been swimming in the Black Sea since mid-May, and in the Azov too, although and not a walrus. Shallow water warms up faster than deep places, and I was in Sudak in July, the water was +11 due to winds blowing the upper layer of water. Bathing the season in Crimea ended at the end of September. Therefore, I remain of my opinion, the closer to Sochi and Sukhumi, the warmer Farther...
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