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5 years ago  •  2 subscribers 1 answer
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which are equipped, those are paid Farther...
What is the best way to get from Geneva airport to Lausanne?
14 years ago  •  2 subscribers 4 answers
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Train - straight from the airport to Lausanne. You arrive and go down (1 or 0 floor - I don’t remember) to the platform - there is a ticket office in front of it. Farther...
What clothes to take with you
15 years ago  •  2 subscribers 2 answers
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Switzerland is a small country, but quite diverse in terms of climate. so I recommend specifying the region (city). The weather in Zurich can differ significantly from Geneva and, moreover, from Lugano (both one way and the other), not to mention the mountains. following the example of last year, I will say the following - in the first half of October in Zurich it was comfortable, warm and sunny, 18-20 degrees, we enjoyed drinking coffee on the embankment, not far from the Grossmünster. it was l ... Farther...
Zivu i rabotaju v Shvejcarii.Skoro zakanchivaetsja srok moego Latvijskogo pasporta.Dumala,chto v Shvejcarii estj konsuljstvo Latvii,no v internete tak takogo ne okazalosj.Sletatj v Latviju ne mogu,tak kak mogu poterjatj bitna. mne kto-nibudj podskazet kuda obratitjsja.
11 years ago  •  3 subscribers 4 answers
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The following address is still circulating on the net Embassy of Latvia in Switzerland Zurich Selnaustrasse 5, CH-8001 (41) (0) 43 817 65 46 (41) (0) 43 817 65 49 [email protected] Farther...
I liked the Hungary-Austria-Switzerland bus tour for 8 days, but this is a birthday present for a very dear person. Please describe everything in detail, and especially how much money you need to have enough for excursions, food, and gifts. Thank you
15 years ago  •  4 subscribers 5 answers
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saving in Switzerland is difficult, and the country is not for economy tours. minimum 100 euros per person per day (not including accommodation and travel) Farther...
I have already purchased a tour to this hotel (all inclusive) I do not plan to take money with me. I read reviews. It turns out you even have to pay for water. And the animators on the platform are paid. Is that true?
10 years ago  •  11 subscribers 14 answers
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Given the problems in Russian tourism, I would strongly recommend not to go without money. This does not mean that you need to carry a wad of dollars with you, but a little cash for small expenses and a credit card that can pay for a return ticket will definitely not hurt. And with water now such a situation is not uncommon. Quite often now they don’t put water in the room, but you can take a sealed bottle at the bar for free or pour it in the cooler. I doubt that the water in the cooler will b ... Farther...
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