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6 years ago  •  2 subscribers 1 answer
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Sockets and Volts in them are ordinary, nothing is needed. But the hair dryer ... the hotel is so to speak "rare" - read the reviews if you find it. And so - 4 * Egi - there is hardly a hair dryer. Farther...
do you need an adapter?
11 years ago  •  6 subscribers 7 answers
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In Cyprus, all sockets have three plugs, we took an adapter. Farther...
Is there wifi in the rooms? Are socket adapters required? Cable for wired internet? Paid or free?
11 years ago  •  2 subscribers 2 answers
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Wi-Fi is free in the rooms, but it catches well only closer to the balcony and on the balcony .... in the lobby, the coverage is perfect ..... adapters (adapters) at the reception are issued for free, but they are in terrible condition ... Farther...
7 years ago  •  7 subscribers 6 answers
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Sockets are the most common. We used a fumigator and el. teapot brought with you. (it is small 0.5 l). Everything fit, no adapters needed. The question is not entirely clear: what to take with you. You can not take anything, you can buy everything there. In general, a swimsuit, bathing slates, a camera and, of course, a good mood. It is shales for swimming, because there are a lot of sea urchins in Crete and they often bask in shallow water, especially on wild beaches. Be careful. Farther...
Tell me, do you need an adapter for sockets?
13 years ago  •  5 subscribers 5 answers
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Yes, you need it, the voltage is 220v, but the standard of the sockets does not match ours, this adapter is given at the reception for free at the time of your stay at the hotel. Farther...
Do I need to take a tee / adapter for sockets?
12 years ago  •  4 subscribers 3 answers
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no adapter needed. A tripod of your choice. Farther...
in the descriptions of Dubai hotels, it flashed that the socket was for three plugs, an adapter was needed. a friend was in another hotel, she said no problem, the socket is standard we go from 28.10 for a week
12 years ago  •  7 subscribers 10 answers
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This hotel requires an AC adapter. You can take it to the reception, buy it in the market (located to the left of the hotel) or bring it with you)) Farther...
We are traveling from Kazakhstan and would like to know if we need an electrical outlet adapter?
13 years ago  •  3 subscribers 2 answers
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Good afternoon again!)) If you have a euro outlet, then you don’t need it. Farther...
Do I need to take an adapter with me?
6 years ago  •  7 subscribers 6 answers
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It seems ordinary, at least in two hotels where I stopped, charging from smartphones and a camera worked quietly. Farther...