Related questions: what is better to take rubles or dollars to turkey

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I have some euros. So I think - take it like that or exchange it for dollars?
16 years ago  •  2 subscribers 29 answers
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In Turkey, in stores, prices are indicated in euros. We arrived from there yesterday, it seemed to us more profitable in dollars. Farther...
do they accept rubles
16 years ago  •  3 subscribers 20 answers
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it is better to take the bucks, as they are better in use. My friend took the euro, so we suffered there to change them and buy something. Farther...
I welcome everyone! We are going to Turkey in early June (we are still choosing a hotel, but approximately the area of ​​Side or Alanya). In connection with the sharply increased and constantly growing dollar exchange rate, the question arises, in which currency is it better to take money with you? Rubles, dollars? or on the spot in the exchange office to exchange our rubles for Turkish lira? What is more profitable and how to proceed? Maybe someone already asked this question and found an answer for themselves? Please share, I would really appreciate it! ))
9 years ago  •  7 subscribers 7 answers
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SHORT TIPS. - If you go on a beach holiday, do not forget about sunscreen (Panthenol is especially good), do not stay under the direct rays of the scorching sun for a long time, do not sunbathe at noon, especially in the early days - the sun is very active. - Special galoshes for swimming will protect your feet from cuts. - Warning! You can’t drink on the beach under the scorching sun, otherwise others will drink later - for the rest of your soul! - Mosquito repellent may be useful, grab ... Farther...
6 years ago  •  9 subscribers 15 answers
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It is better to take dollars with you on a trip (preferably in small ones - changing money often becomes a problem), but you can take a little euro for settlements at the hotel reception. Do not change the currency for local money (Turkish lira) at the Antalya airport, at the hotel reception, in small shops - the exchange rate is very unfavorable. It is better to do this in the official exchanger, under the sign CHANGE OFFICE. Practically, any store accepts currency without restrictions, so it m ... Farther...