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Girls who have seen or bought Aura Swarovski perfume in Duty Free in Bangkok, about how much do they cost?
12 years ago  •  2 subscribers 1 answer
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Specifically, I have not seen these spirits, I do not even know such. But for those brands that interested me, the prices were higher than in any other duty free (Kyiv, Moscow, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Barcelona, ​​London ..) Farther...
the tourist wants to take a few bottles of local wine with him
13 years ago  •  7 subscribers 9 answers
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sigur62 - it depends on where to fly from. passengers of charter flights are really practically not examined (sometimes foreigners) but when I flew from China, everyone was forced to put things on the scanner. the same thing happened before the new year from the OAU and in May from Georgia. the logic of customs officers is clear - they know what and in what quantities and from which countries people import Farther...
Girls, please answer who bought perfumes in "Duty Free" at the airport in Antalya. Interested in what perfume and for how much. Want to know if it's beneficial or not?
17 years ago  •  5 subscribers 19 answers
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guys tell me the site of the dutik and .. where are all the prices ... Farther...
where can i buy cheap real perfume?
11 years ago  •  25 subscribers 18 answers
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I go to Paris for work, every time I have to fulfill the orders of friends for purchases. I always buy in the Duty Free perfume shop at 4 boulevard de Grenelle, 75015 Paris. It's near the metro Bir Hakeim (line 6) across the street from the Seine, 5 minutes walk from the Eiffel Tower. I compared prices, here they are lower than in other stores (Sephora, Marionnaud ...). They make a 10% discount and a 13% tax refund. The main argument is that the sellers speak Russian, it is easier to choose, esp ... Farther...
The question of interest is this - if purchases are made in Germany and Austria, and the exit from the Schengen zone will be Hungary or Poland, then how is it right to do everything in order to return the money. Interested in actions that need to be correctly performed abroad. Which border guards should stamp Austrian and German? Where can I get them if there is no border control anymore. Or all the same, at the exit from Schengen, ask the Hungarians ... Who faced, write, please! Thanks in advance!
14 years ago  •  4 subscribers 11 answers
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Good afternoon. The seals are not put by the border guard, but by the CUSTOMS OFFICER of the last Schengen country through which you leave the Schengen. Packages with purchases must be sealed before departure, then the customs officer, when crossing the border, will confirm the export of goods from the EU, and put a stamp on the Tax Free check. You can get a refund on a Tax Free check either at the point of payment at the border when leaving the EU, or in Russia, but whether it is possible in Uk ... Farther...