Очень много негативных отзывов об отеле Melton Beach. Но риф там говорят шикарный. Стоит ли плюнуть на недостатки быта и поехать туда ради рифа? Неужели настолько невозможные питание и быт?
There are a lot of negative reviews about the Melton Beach hotel. But they say the reef is gorgeous. Is it worth it to spit on the shortcomings of life and go there for the reef? Is food and life really so impossible?
There are a lot of negative reviews about the Melton Beach hotel. But they say the reef is gorgeous. Is it worth it to spit on the shortcomings of life and go there for the reef? Is food and life really so impossible?
9 subscribers •
2019-06-276 years ago