Посоветуйте отель в Турции,не далеко от аэропорта и что бы хороший пляж,едут 4 взрослых+2 ребенка(7-9лет)на 7 дней бюджет на всех 2.500$
Advise a hotel in Turkey, not far from the airport and what would be a good beach, 4 adults + 2 children (7-9 years old) are traveling for 7 days, the budget for all is $ 2.500
Advise a hotel in Turkey, not far from the airport and what would be a good beach, 4 adults + 2 children (7-9 years old) are traveling for 7 days, the budget for all is $ 2.500
6 subscribers •
2018-07-177 years ago