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Will I be able to exchange the hryvnia if necessary?
Will I be able to exchange the hryvnia if necessary?
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8 subscribers  • asked 2017-11-117 years ago
Answers  •  19
аватар AllOverTheWorld
Suddenly, the need will find you in the forest, then you can change the hryvnia for a leaf or use the hryvnia itself ....
аватар Elenka08
This is where people can lift their spirits.
аватар lotos12345
you won’t be able to, although in the Turkish Leather market 2 years ago they took 30gr per dollar from the Privat card, you definitely won’t be able to cash
аватар Elenka08
lotos12345, how did you *intuit* that we are talking about Turkey?
аватар Vika284
The next question of NataDali was about a hotel in Tunisia, and here the Turkish leather market. If in Tunisia only dollars, euros and pounds, the hryvnia will not be accepted.
аватар AllOverTheWorld
No way, because this is not about Turkey ..... but it was necessary to inform the info 2 years ago ....
They don’t take it from the card, but make a payment or withdraw it, and the exchange rate at which the payment is withdrawn does not depend on the seller, the conversion is carried out by the bank whose cardholder you are, at the rate at the time of payment.
аватар Vika284
Lotos12345 with an international card in Turkey, you can withdraw not only liras, but also dollars and euros from ATMs in Turkey and also pay for goods and services with a card in hotels, shops, cafes, restaurants, hairdressers, buy tickets for transport and entrance to museums
аватар lotos12345
I know, by the way, it’s profitable to pay with a card, I took it with me to Turkey
аватар Vika284
It is beneficial only if the card is in euros, if in $, then the Interbank recalculates the euro dollar from the lira, in hryvnia it is not profitable in any way
аватар lotos12345
I have a gold coin in Privat Bank hryvnia, I paid for goods in Turkey in Migros, KIPE, MGM, recalculated, it turned out troshki cheaper than changing dollars to lira
аватар HighlanderSerg
What else do you have besides a golden private card?!
аватар kolyan_cat
Troshki are cheaper" maybe if you didn't look at the printout later. Bank commissions are withdrawn after 2-3 business days in addition to the main amount and SMS is not received on them, so if you judge by SMS - yes, it seems "troshki are cheaper", but take a printout balance in the bank and look - it will come out "troshki more expensive."
аватар millamilla
"2 years ago they took 30g per dollar from the Privat card" - wow, the crumbs are more expensive! Did you see the dollar exchange rate 2 years ago?
аватар Elenka08
millamilla, and what was the rate in the fall of 2015? + - same as now
аватар Vika284
The question was formulated a little wrong, that's why such answers about gold cards and a fantastically cheap exchange rate of 30 UAH for $1 2 years ago, leather in Turkey
the girl’s next question was about a hotel in Tunisia, they won’t take hryvnia in Tunisia, only $ euros and British pounds
аватар Vika284
In exchangers in Kyiv, to buy $ in:
early September 2015 course 23, 50
early October 2015 course 22, 60
early November 2015 course 24, 50
early December 2015 course 25, 20
аватар princesMulan
What +-?!
For some, there is a difference to buy dollars at 25 and at 26.8, rich tourists definitely don’t see the difference
Now there is no UAH 30 per dollar, once there were several days when the dollar was at UAH 40, this was in February 2015
аватар millamilla
Elenka08 the NBU exchange rate was approximately from 22 UAH to 24 UAH per $, +- it is very important for my family, because my and my husband's salary is not like some in US dollars, but in Ukrainian hryvnias. And the prices for tours are in dollars and for me there is a difference even if 50 UAH + for a purchase of $ 100
аватар Elenka08
millamilla , for me, as well as for you, this plays a role. I wrote that above there was such a surprise, as if they were comparing the exchange rate of 2013, and not 2015. I thought something like this from memory that there was a difference of about 2-3 hryvnias
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