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in Greece all inclusive what is included
difference between all inclusive and half board
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4 subscribers  • asked 2013-03-0711 years ago
Answers  •  4
аватар sigur62
Half board is breakfast and dinner. Dinner can often be replaced with lunch.
All inclusive, or All Inclusive - in Europe is not quite the same as in Turkey and Egypt, where they continuously eat all sorts of "snacks" between meals, cakes, pizzas, snacks and other sandwiches. It’s just that in Europe it’s not customary to constantly and continuously eat, so lunch will be added to HB (half board), and sometimes an afternoon snack.
Most tourists do not recommend taking the All-Inclusive system in Europe, so as not to be tied to a hotel restaurant, but instead to be able to eat in numerous restaurants and cafes where you can eat tasty and inexpensively, and at a time convenient for the tourist, and not at hotel restaurant schedule.
In many African and Asian countries, on the contrary, the All Inclusive system is justified and profitable, since eating outside the hotel is often expensive or dangerous.
Have a nice rest!
аватар travelsita
In Greece, the same all-inclusive as in Turkey and Egypt. Between meals they offer ice cream, pizza, various pastries, coffee, juices. Alcoholic drinks until 23-00, then for a fee. If the infrastructure outside the hotel is not developed - definitely take "all inclusive." Visiting European countries, as a rule, is associated with a rich excursion program, in which lunch at the hotel is skipped.
If you are planning a lot of excursions - take half board, if you want to lie on the beach all day - you should choose "all inclusive", which is no different from Egyptian or Turkish.
I agree with sigur62 and travelsita. It all depends on what you want from the rest and in which hotel you will rest. In Europe, they actually prefer half board so as not to be tied to a hotel, but if you only have a beach holiday, then think about all inclusive (even if you have a beach holiday and there are many restaurants near the hotel, it’s better to take half board, because sometimes nice to go out in the evening and have dinner not at the hotel)))))))
аватар sigur62
And we generally in Europe usually take only breakfast.
To dine at the hotel with our rhythm of relaxation, with excursions and sightseeing is completely unrealistic.
And to dine in a hotel, surrounded by compatriots, in the same environment, often with queues and monotonous dishes, is unattractive. It is much more pleasant to sit in a restaurant right on the sea or ocean, with pleasant music and tasting dishes of national cuisine - interesting and tasty.
Have a nice rest!
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