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Is it possible for a citizen of Russia, who has a residence permit in Montenegro, to go to Germany for 3 days?
I am a citizen of Russia, I live in Montenegro with a residence permit, I urgently need to see an elderly relative in Germany, how can I do this?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
3 subscribers  • asked 2011-09-1113 years ago
Answers  •  2
аватар HotLine
Citizens of Russia, regardless of where they are and with what kind of residence permit, to enter Germany, an open Schengen visa is required. Montenegro is not included in Schengen. If you do not have such a visa, then you need to open it at any consulate of the Schengen countries. Better in German. It is possible at the place of residence permit.
аватар ksenka1
Citizens of the Russian Federation can apply to the consulates of the Schengen countries only at the place of permanent residence, as I understand it, a residence permit is not yet permanent residence
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