5 лет назад на рынке Шарм аль-Шейха по совету продавца купил травяной чай для желудка. Я пил его по вечерам и он отлично справлялся с изжогой. Может кто-то знает название этого растения?
5 years ago in the market of Sharm al-Sheikh, on the advice of the seller, I bought herbal tea for the stomach. I drank it in the evenings and it did a great job with heartburn. Does anyone know the name of this plant?
5 years ago in the market of Sharm al-Sheikh, on the advice of the seller, I bought herbal tea for the stomach. I drank it in the evenings and it did a great job with heartburn. Does anyone know the name of this plant?
4 subscribers •
2022-08-063 years ago