Lisbon - it's impossible not to fall in love!!!

05 May 2019 Travel time: with 06 March 2019 on 10 March 2019
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Reading many reviews about this city and about the country in general, I noticed the overwhelming number of enthusiastic comments, ratings, and I must say, having been there, yes, it is, a chic city and a very interesting country where you want to go again and again .

It's hard to single out something specific in Lisbon, there are so many sights and interesting places that it's just that your head is spinning from this beauty. from unusual streets, buildings, monuments, fountains, retro trams, squares, sidewalks, fortresses, facing tiles, etc. I think it takes at least 10 days for a detailed tour of the city.

On the other hand, you relax your soul while walking around the city, some kind of extraordinary energy is present here, you just want to walk calmly and measuredly, look around at all the beauty around and relax, enjoy life.

In a word, I definitely recommend to everyone who has not been there yet to go and see this wonderful city, you will not regret it!

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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