Буду въезжать в Польшу по рабочей визе, с собой беру ребёнка (12 лет), у ребёнка с момента пересечения границы не пройдёт ещё 90 дней. Как быть? Какие нужны документы на ребёнка?
I will enter Poland on a work visa, I am taking a child with me (12 years old), the child will not have another 90 days from the moment of crossing the border. How to be? What documents are needed for a child?
I will enter Poland on a work visa, I am taking a child with me (12 years old), the child will not have another 90 days from the moment of crossing the border. How to be? What documents are needed for a child?
1 subscriber •
2020-02-035 years ago