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According to what documents do two children aged 3 and 7 go to Poland with their mother who has a work visa? Children will attend educational institutions. What documents are needed for this?
According to what documents do two children aged 3 and 7 go to Poland with their mother who has a work visa? Children will attend educational institutions. What documents are needed for this?
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4 subscribers  • asked 2018-05-296 years ago
Answers  •  5
аватар AllOverTheWorld
And on what basis will they attend educational institutions?
What kind of visa do you have?
15 minutes of searching on Google and you would have found the info.
There are two ways. First: a written consent from the employer, certified by his seal and signature on a company letterhead, not certified in any way in the ugend, because the ugend does not certify such documents. The second option: obtaining a Polish visa for more than 90 days to Poland, making a legal employment in a company where you work with all "ZUS PIT", etc., applying for and obtaining a POLAND residence permit. After receiving and having a Temporary stay in Poland, you apply for family reunification, your daughter will also immediately receive a temporary residence card, according to which she can be with you. Source:© .htm
аватар kolyan_cat
We read the theorizing above, now we delete it from memory and read it as it really is.
For children, you need to obtain visas for the purpose of education. They are given on the basis of a certificate from the school (kindergarten) that your child will study at this educational institution.
To obtain this certificate, you must first go to Poland, conclude an apartment rental agreement and with this agreement go to the institution (school and kindergarten) to which your address is territorially assigned. Take with you:
- rental agreement (Attention! All family members, including children, should be written in the agreement - this is not a problem, the Poles do this)
- children's documents - a report card for the 1st class, a photocopy of the international passport
Go to the reception, there you show all this and you MUST be written down. They have no excuses about the lack of places - the school is obliged to accept everyone from the given area, if there are not enough places - this is their problem - they organize additional classes.
Ask for a certificate that your child's documents have been accepted. With these documents, you apply in Ukraine for a Polish visa for children, a visa will be issued for at least an annual one, for this year you apply for a residence card and then a visa is no longer needed.
There are Ukrainian children in every school.
аватар kolyan_cat
Further with visas, calmly enter Poland and arrange children.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in Poland, in a school where there are foreigners, the state provides FREE teaching of the Polish language to children at school, 2 times 2 hours a week (sort of). In practice, there are lessons of church education, optional, so we wrote a refusal from them, and during these lessons my little one studies Polish with other Ukrainian children. Renunciation of church education was signed by all Ukrainians in our school :)
For school, you need to take certificates of vaccinations, a report card, a certificate from the kindergarten to which the child went, well, all documents must be translated into Polish and the translation must be certified. It is better to do this in Ukraine, because. in Poland everything will be much more expensive.
Of course, this is not easy, because. You will have to travel to Poland at least 2 times, and spend a couple of days instead of working going to school and kindergarten. But this is the only way to get a one-year visa for children.
аватар kolyan_cat
Option number 2 - to import children on a visa-free basis.
Of course, it’s easier for you that you don’t have to bother going to school and kindergarten for help, and you don’t have to apply for a visa, but I don’t recommend this option.
With this option, you run the risk that you will not have time to apply for a residence card before the expiration of the legal period of stay (3 months). There are huge queues for submission, and besides, you can apply only after staying 1 month in Poland, i.е. You have 2 months left to apply for the card. And after these 3 months have passed, the children are already in Poland illegally, their documents will not be accepted on the card.
If in the city where you will live, there are no huge queues for filing as in large cities, or you have friends who can help you skip the line, then you can take a chance. But we did the 1st option and do not regret it.
Do not consider options for "family reunification" - you can apply after receiving a residence card, and you can wait for it for a year or two, and then still receive a visa - there is no point in this, because. you can enter with children immediately and legally. If you have any more questions - write in a personal.
аватар daria.bulhakova
Comment, I read somewhere advice from people in order to have time to apply for a residence card during the visa-free period, then there is an electronic record for this and you can sign up in it without waiting for the first month to pass, they say, this is a big mistake and a person simply loses a month time. The fact is that after he signs up electronically, it will take some time until he is called to the office - that is, there will be a specific date when he must visit and submit the relevant documents to the residence card. This is true?
2nd question: if I still take a chance and the children arrive on a visa-free basis in order to immediately apply for a residence card in a month, and, for example, I want to apply for them on the basis of studying at school, then I should still go to school and ask for an invitation to demonstrate it in uzhonda. what to say at school? will the school give an invitation to receive a residence card for this reason, to people who came on a visa-free basis? Thanks for answers!
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