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What documents do you need to travel to Poland with your mother?
My mother wants to go to work in Poland in the summer, she wants to take me with her (because there is no one to leave with, because she is worried that I will not be able to cope on my own). Mom goes for 1.5-2 months
Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
7 subscribers  • asked 2015-11-089 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар life-ok
You - foreign passport and Schengen. Mom's going officially?
аватар katerina1999
Yes, it goes officially, but there is another question. My parents do not live together (but are not officially divorced yet) or my father must be allowed to leave.
аватар life-ok
From the age of 16, parental permission is not required. All information is on the website of the agency, go read it. You can also consult at the visa center
аватар HotLine
For travel from 16 years of age, a permit is not required. But the consulate requires it to open a visa (up to 18 years).
аватар Slav1
You can go on a tourist visa, your father's permission is required, even if they are not divorced.
But if your mother is counting on you to help her with seasonal work, you shouldn't count on it.
According to the laws of Ukraine and Poland of 18 years of age, until 18 your work will be considered a minor's work, Polish farmers may have problems.
Documents on you:
Notarized copy of birth certificate;
• 2 color photos 3.5 x 4.5 cm.
• Registration of a travel permit from the father by a notary
• A copy of the father's internal passport
аватар shalkina
I can say with confidence that permission at the border is required until the age of 18.
аватар agent_borabora
I also have information that our border guards require permission from the father until the age of 18.
аватар HotLine
Well, no need to spread persistent misconceptions. You have to trust the experts. Or use official information. For example, like this:
аватар shalkina
Persistent delusions result at the border in a bunch of problems, damaged nerves and a return to the initial location.
аватар HotLine
Absolutely true. Therefore, it is not necessary to spread these mistakes, know the real rules of law and develop rules of conduct in case someone tries to violate these rules.
One such rule sounds like this. If the border guard refuses to allow you to cross the border, he will require you to call the shift supervisor and draw up a document on the reasons for refusal to leave.
To immediately close further attempts at discussion, I will cite a formal rule on this procedure.
There is the following document of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine: Rules for crossing the state border by citizens of Ukraine. Paragraph 15 of these rules reads as follows: "... an authorized official of the state border protection unit refuses a citizen to cross the state border, on which to make a reasoned letter stating the reasons for refusal, one copy of which is issued to the citizen. "
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