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Is it possible for a mother with a child to leave for Poland on tourist visas for 45 days, and then apply for a residence card during this time on the basis of the father of the family living and working in Poland?
Is it possible for a mother with a child to leave for Poland on tourist visas for 45 days, and then apply for a residence card during this time on the basis of the father of the family living and working in Poland?
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5 subscribers  • asked 2015-09-109 years ago
Answers  •  8
аватар alex45
Don't chemical! Is it better to apply for family connection? if the father went to Poland on a work visa, make sure that he is not turned away from Poland either. It is very difficult to give a short answer without knowing all the circumstances - how much the father has a visa, what kind of tour for 45 days you will have, how you will motivate this tour, hotels for 45 days, arrival and departure back to Ukraine (or departure)? I would recommend that you go to the "Forum" section here, there is a branch - visas to Poland, or something like that. Here they discuss, including problems similar to yours. And here is a short answer to a short question. You have a question to discuss.
аватар kolyan_cat
They will kick you out with a kick in the ass (the purpose of the trip does not correspond to the declared one - fraud when applying for a visa), and they will be 100% right.
аватар sent2008
I advise you to contact the Polish consulate and be as honest with them as possible. Your idea can bring problems and considerable ones.
аватар alex45
It can be seen that everything is sewn with white thread.
Muscovites do not understand these questions. The word "zarobitchane" too. And how they leave for blessed Europe.
аватар sent2008
You, alex45, are mistaken. “Muscovites” are all different, a native Muscovite is a person born and living in Moscow in the third generation, as a rule, people relate to their place of residence without trying to prove something to anyone, they just live, just work, just love their city. They drink themselves with a heel in the chest and are proud of their place of residence, as a rule, those who arrived in Moscow not so long ago. And you should not assume that in Moscow everyone is raking in money with a shovel, hanging out around the clock and so on. Many people envy the inhabitants of Moscow and this gives rise to gloating. I repeat once again - different people live in Moscow, everyone has a different upbringing, education, views, values, etc. You can measure everyone with one measure, but is it right?
The word "workers" means migrant workers, why they decided to go to another country to work, and the wife and children stayed at home, and how they live and work in a foreign country, and most importantly, what prompted them to make such a decision, despite the place of birth and residence, it is not difficult to understand.
аватар sent2008
Now on the topic of the question: I do not advise the author to try to solve the situation as she plans, you cannot provide false information about yourself, you cannot deceive, cheat, defame. The migration services of Poland know the legislation of their country, it is fraught to mislead them. You can make a bias towards family reunification, but for this you need to know all the nuances.
аватар alex45
sent2008! Sorry if I hurt you with something, but probably you know better from Ukraine, because in Western Ukraine in many settlements there is already no adult population (old people and children). And it turns out that the husband travels on a work visa, then by any means pulls his family there. Therefore, the consulate knows a lot of options, and therefore, having entered the consulate, most likely she will not leave and will set her husband up.
And about Muscovites. I have relatives in Moscow + a bunch of friends and acquaintances. So I don’t need to explain to me about native Muscovites. Relatives are already counting the fourth generation.
аватар sent2008
alex45, do not apologize, it's an everyday thing. Yesterday, for the sake of broadening my horizons, I read about the map of the visit. It can be obtained by students studying in educational institutions in Poland, persons who are married to a citizen or citizen of Poland, officially working and residing in Poland, provided that their earnings are not less than ..... the minimum limit is indicated, and they must confirm their documented earnings. You can't get a job with a tourist visa. And, as I understand it, a residence card is issued for everyone - a husband, if he works officially and the amount of salary allows, can apply for himself, but his wife, based on the husband's possession of this card, will not be able to receive it. And you need to apply for it no later than 45 days before the expiration of the existing visa.
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