Question o Poland

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Related question «Documents and borders»
We want to go to NG to Poland, namely to Katowice (we leave Prague). Tell me, please, will they let us in without any problems or may there be certain troubles?
We want to go to NG to Poland, namely to Katowice (we leave Prague). Tell me, please, will they let us in without any problems or may there be certain troubles?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
3 subscribers  • asked 2020-12-284 years ago
Answers  •  8
аватар tschingiss
Information here:
Nach der Einreise über eine EU-Binnengrenze gilt vom 28. December 2020 bis zunächst 17. January 2021 grundsätzlich eine 10-tägige Quarantänepflicht bei Einreise mit organisierten Reisen bzw. bei Einreise per Bus, Bahn, Flugzeug oder Schiff. Einreise mit privatem Fahrzeug ist davon ausgenommen. .....Grenzkontrollen finden nur an den Grenzen zur Ukraine, zu Russland und Belarus statt.
Here is what is written: from December 28, residents of EU countries bordering Poland who arrive in Poland in organized groups (by bus, train, plane or water transport) are sent to a 10-day quarantine. Those entering by private transport are exempted from quarantine. ..... Border control is carried out only on the borders with Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.
аватар Elenka08
Just yesterday or today, new rules for entry into Poland for foreigners appeared
аватар tschingiss
Elenka08, the question was about entering Poland from Prague (Czech Republic), and not from Ukraine.
аватар Elenka08
tschingiss, new rules not only for those traveling from Ukraine
аватар tschingiss
Elenka08, for residents of countries belonging to the European Union and the Schengen area, entry to Poland is free. There are no border controls. Occasionally there may be selective control. Out of 3-4 cars crossing the border, one can be stopped for inspection. Poland provides information (including on entry) for all countries, dividing them into two groups: countries within the EU + Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland and countries that have external borders with the EU. Interested countries provide this information in translation into their own state language for their residents. Since I don't know Polish, I read it in German and translated it into Russian for the questioner. By the way, there are also rules for other countries: Bei Einreise über eine EU-Außengrenze gilt eine 10-tägige Quarantänepflicht, i.е. when entering from countries with external EU borders, a 10-day quarantine rule applies. Poland seems to be the only EU country that lets residents of neighboring countries (EU) in without any problems. In Germany, for example, officials have lost their sense of proportion.
аватар Elenka08
tschingiss, but we know that only entry from the Czech Republic. And the inhabitants of which country we do not know. And I doubt they are EU citizens
аватар tschingiss
Hey Elenka08! Happy New Year to you. And my very best wishes. I would really like to hope that in 2021 there will be no more questions like LETTED-NOT LETTED.
By and large, the citizenship of those traveling within the EU does not matter. The main thing is that they are legally in the EU.
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