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My daughter entered a Polish university. But she is already 18 years old. Is there any possibility to go with her for a few days, to see how she will get settled there? The consulate can't help.
My daughter entered a Polish university. But she is already 18 years old. Is there any possibility to go with her for a few days, to see how she will get settled there? The consulate can't help.
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4 subscribers  • asked 2020-08-195 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар lupanarius
The rules for visiting countries are quite clearly spelled out. You do not have the purpose of the trip that allows you to visit the country.
аватар petrina1
Even if I am ready to pass all possible tests for the virus, there is no way to go with my daughter?
аватар dima_80_
No. So far, none. Yes, and my daughter is already an adult, and you can always “see how you settled down” through video communication.
аватар moy_contakt
Alas. I have about the same situation, only Austria and my daughter lives and studies there for more than a year, but I just can’t go to her.
аватар lupanarius
petrina1, No options at all. Let the child go, let him learn to solve all problems on his own. She is not the first student in Poland, everything will be ok with her.
аватар petrina1
I would gladly let go, but last year we had a very unpleasant experience of settling into a Polish hostel. It's good that I was with her. It was a shock. Instead of beds, there are dirty mattresses on the floor, and after someone, doors that do not close, a persistent smell of some kind of smoke, which we then exhaled for another 2 weeks, + men of non-Slavic nationality in the next room. El were just courses. We had to urgently look for housing
аватар moy_contakt
Don't hesitate. I did not expect anything from my daughter in 2016, when she just turned 18 independent. Upon arrival, she resolved such issues that I simply did not understand where and how, and after that there were many different situations, and she solved everything herself, realizing that there was no one to help her. And what only happened to her, but she managed. And now I'm completely calm for her, because I know what can. But I considered her a house girl :)
аватар lupanarius
petrina1, in any case, you will have to rely only on the independence of your child. Let him solve the problems)
аватар veritasana
When re entered, they probably thought that she would be there herself ..
My brother and I no longer had parents at 18 and it was normal, she survived .. So everything will be fine.
аватар moy_contakt
My son-in-law said that he matured at the age of 13, when he was sent to England to school - he is studying boarding school. Here at once. And since then, and now he is already 23, this is a completely independent unit, and my husband and I were simply confronted with the fact that my daughter was getting married and invited to a wedding where we directly met my son-in-law live. When the whole catastrophe with the crown happened, the children themselves made serious decisions, and when my daughter got aperndicitis and I understood that I couldn’t help in any way while in Ukraine .... The children themselves decided everything. You have to be able to let go of your kids. Moreover, she already lived while taking courses in Poland, those countries are familiar to her.
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