Sun Siyam Vilu Reef 5*– Reviews

Rating 7.010
based on
3 reviews
6.3 Rooms
5.7 Service
7.0 Cleanliness
6.7 Food
7.0 Amenities
The hotel is designed in a traditional Maldivian style with superb villas covered in palm leaves. Opened in 1998, last renovated in 2015. A magnificent house reef with many caves makes this hotel attractive for diving enthusiasts.More →
аватар 5u9o78ff
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 9.0
Pros: Large territory, excellent entry into the sea, gorgeous reef, disco. Loved dinner by the ocean. Beautiful water villas. Welcome compliment from the hotel. Ideal for young people who love diving. -Minuses: There is a damp smell in the rooms. A little gloomy - little light. Slippery tiles. Not a very comfortable bed at the head. … More ▾ Pros:
Large territory, excellent entry into the sea, gorgeous reef, disco. Loved dinner by the ocean.
Beautiful water villas. Welcome compliment from the hotel. Ideal for young people who love diving.
There is a damp smell in the rooms. A little gloomy - little light. Slippery tiles. Not a very comfortable bed at the head. Outside, when walking towards the ocean, there was a smell of sewage near our room. Weak Swede. Line - a small selection of European dishes, mainly the cuisine is focused on tourists from China.
The beach bungalows are close to each other - there is no sense of privacy.
аватар Onuka
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 3.0
Rested with my husband at the end of October, we had a honeymoon along with a wedding ceremony. Everything was wonderful, the weather was gorgeous (the weather there changes 10 times a day). I will not describe for a long time all the beauty and charm of nature, you can read it in more detailed reviews, everything is described there as it is. … More ▾ Rested with my husband at the end of October, we had a honeymoon along with a wedding ceremony. Everything was wonderful, the weather was gorgeous (the weather there changes 10 times a day). I will not describe for a long time all the beauty and charm of nature, you can read it in more detailed reviews, everything is described there as it is. I will briefly write about the main thing. After 10 days of luxury rest, we had the last day. As usual, crab races, Russian-speaking doctor, everything is fun and funny. After winning the crabs, we sat in the evening and quietly drank the won beer and cocktails, enjoyed the last day in paradise. But what was our shock when (somewhere around 12 midnight) we returned to our room. They came as if nothing had happened, got ready to take a shower, and then they discovered that we had neither money nor telephones in the safe!! ! I’ll clarify right away that the money and phones were in our safe!!!
Our passports and a large camera were also left in the safe, no one took them (it is clear that no one needs a passport, and the camera was probably very large, it was difficult to steal it quietly)! At first I could not believe it, looked and smiled. I thought my husband was joking. Then came complete shock. We raised the administration and all who were. The movement has begun. They came to the room, walked around the room. What was most indignant was the attitude of these people, they looked at us and asked some ridiculous, absurd questions 100 times, as if we were completely sick and bruised, and as if we had stolen it from ourselves and hid phones with money. Instead of searching the staff, and those who had access to our room, they walked around our bungalow with a flashlight and shone whether they were lying somewhere under the threshold, or near a palm tree))). One can only imagine how we were shaking!
It’s not at all fun to be left without money and phones, even call or write to be met, and then there is nowhere, and there is still such a long flight back to Kyiv. But these were not all the delights of a chic service! I finally killed the conversation with the hotel administrator, who did not lift a finger, lay on an armchair and smiled disgustingly! Since all this happened at 12 at night, and our seaplane was already at 7 am (7 hours later), everyone just shrugged their shoulders saying it's a pity, but the police come to the island only in the morning, after 8.00. When it came to compensation, they only said that it was only after the police report, we don’t know if something was stolen from you or not, the police will come, conduct an investigation, and then we’ll find out everything. It was funny to listen to, because when the police should arrive, we will not be here at all!
We tell him that you are sitting, get up, go look at the staff rooms, this is an island, no one went further than it with our things, to which they answered: “Why go and wake everyone up? ". In general, we did not sleep at all that night, but we did not achieve anything from them. Since everything happened so clearly, exactly 7 hours before departure, just when we were not in the room, and looking at the reaction of the administration, I can say with confidence that this topic is well established with them, and we were not the first, and not the last . Of course, the rest was gorgeous, and I don’t want to overshadow it with the situation that happened. But you definitely need to write about this to other people so that they know about all the dirty tricks that they can expect. I am not surprised when people in Egypt or Turkey lose something, but this is the Maldives, an elite resort, SERVICE!! ! Flying so far that some freak (sorry, but there is no other way to call it) spoiled the whole mood on the last day is also not serious.
After all, all the things lay as it should be in the safe, and it was closed! I don’t even know, but it turns out then you have to carry everything with you, and swim with money in shorts)))
In general, dear readers, I strongly recommend you, among all the huge number of hotels, each of which is beautiful in its own way, find an alternative, and DO NOT GO to Vilu Reef Beach & Spa Resort! There is absolutely nothing incredible that is not in other hotels in the Maldives!
аватар Allaloveme
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 9.0
Hello! Rested with my husband in September 2010. We were looking for a hotel for a long time, read stupid reviews on the internet, and were really afraid to fly somewhere)) We chose this hotel on the recommendation of a tour operator, and the trip was really a success. The island where the hotel is located is small but cozy. … More ▾ Hello! Rested with my husband in September 2010. We were looking for a hotel for a long time, read stupid reviews on the internet, and were really afraid to fly somewhere)) We chose this hotel on the recommendation of a tour operator, and the trip was really a success. The island where the hotel is located is small but cozy. We lived in beach willa, 10 meters from the ocean. Villa round shape, bath and outdoor toilet with a canopy. Impressive! The first two days it was raining, but it's exotic, and even this weather simply cannot be disliked. Then calm sunny weather set in, + 28.32t. and swim with a mask. The kitchen is excellent, the staff is very sociable and agile. The availability and quality of the dishes pleasantly surprised. Fish daily in the most varied assortment, up to 7 types. The only thing is that drinks were paid separately, about $ 2-3 per use.
The highlight of the island was small white baby sharks (don't be scared : ), who swam near the shore in search of plankton. They are absolutely safe, up to half a meter in size.
In general, this island is suitable for you if you are looking for tranquility and peaceful rest. The Slavic population is small, there were about 5 families. The majority of the contingent are Germans and Chinese.
We had no comments, we liked everything. We were there for a long time and didn't want to leave. Satisfied with my choice! Recommend!
Отличный отдых!

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Отель выполнен в традиционном мальдивском стиле с превосходными виллами, покрытыми пальмовыми листьями. Открыт в 1998 году, последняя реновация была проведена в 2015 году. Великолепный домашний риф с множеством пещер делает этот отель привлекательным для любителей подводного плавания.

Location На острове Мидуффуши в Даалу Атолле, в 128 км от аэропорта. Трансфер на гидросамолете занимает 35 минут и организуется в период с 06:30 до 16:30.
Description of the beach Большой собственный риф с красочными кораллами и рыбами (в 15-20 м от берега).
  • 1st line
  • private beach
  • sand beach
  • coral reef
  • sun loungers  FREE 
  • umbrellas  FREE 
In a hotel

Круглосуточная стойка регистрации, ускоренная регистрация заезда/отъезда, камера хранения багажа, экскурсионное бюро, услуги консьержа, факс/ксерокопирование (платно), услуги по глажке одежды (платно), услуги фотографа (платно), сувенирный и ювелирный бутики, читальный уголок, интернет-кафе, Wi-Fi в общественных местах, бесплатно (скоростной — платно), 1 панорамный бассейн с пресной водой и примыкающей джакузи. Отель предлагает специальные программы для молодоженов. 4 ресторана, 2 бара. Круглосуточный заказ еды в номера (платно). Романтический ужин в любом месте острова по желанию — с 19.00 (платно).

  • restaurant
  • A la carte restaurant
  • cafe/bar
  • open pool
  • safe
  • free wi-fi
  • laundry
  • hairdresser/beauty salon
  • doctor
  • non-smoking rooms
  • currency exchange
  • payment by payment cards
For kids Отделение для детей в бассейне для взрослых. Детский клуб Turtle Kidz (для детей от 3-х до 12-ти лет, развлекательные и познавательные игры, бесплатно).
  • children's swimming pool
  • playground
  • kids club  FREE 
  • children's chairs in the restaurant
  • cot
Entertainment and sports Бесплатно: теннисные мячи и ракетки, освещение теннисного корта, бадминтон, дартс. Вечерние развлекательные программы (живая музыка, дискотека, караоке, крабьи бега, показ фильмов на пляже). Платно: центр водного спорта Sun Water Sports (каноэ, катамаран, виндсерфинг, водные лыжи, прогулки на лодке со стеклянным дном, вейк-борд, катание на «банане», водный мотоцикл jet-ski, сноркелинг), дайвинг-центр Five Star Gold Palm PADI. Банджи-батут (для детей подросткового возраста и взрослых). Экскурсии: подводное сафари, круиз на закате с дельфинами, экскурсии по острову, рыбалка на закате и рыбалка на крупную рыбу, круиз Робинзона. В отеле работает центр Sun Spa с 5 процедурными павильонами, 3 из которых — открытые павильоны, оборудованные душем и цветочной ванной. Также в центре имеется зона отдыха и студия маникюра/педикюра. Меню Sun Spa включает большой выбор процедур, основанных на традициях аюрведы и пяти природных элементах — огне, воде, земле, дереве и металле.
  • jacuzzi
  • table tennis  FREE 
  • tennis court  FREE 
  • volleyball  FREE 
  • football field
  • gym  FREE 
  • disco club
  • organization of excursions
  • celebration organization service
Description of rooms

В отеле 103 номера.

In the rooms

Ванна и душ, фен, халат и тапочки, банные принадлежности, сейф, телевизор, спутниковое ТВ, CD/DVD-проигрыватель (по запросу), телефон, Wi-Fi бесплатно (скоростной — платно), кондиционер, вентилятор, утюг и гладильная доска по запросу, кофемашина (для эспрессо; кроме Beach Villa), набор для приготовления чая/кофе, мини-бар (платно), кровать king size, терраса, мальдивские качели или тахта для отдыха на террасе (кроме Beach Villa и надводных вилл), room service: платно, уборка номера: 2 раза в день.

  • bath / shower
  • hair dryer
  • slippers and bathrobe
  • $
  • safe
  • air conditioner
  • fan
  • cable/satellite TV
  • phone
  • internet wi-fi  FREE 
  • tea/coffee maker
  • balcony/terrace
  • swimming pool (not in all rooms)
The address Meedhuffushi, South Nilandhe Atoll, Republic of Maldives
Phones: +960 676 0011
Какой пляж у отеля?
Отель располагается на 1-й пляжной линии. У отеля собственный песчаный пляж. Для любителей рыбок есть прекрасный коралловый риф.
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Отель предоставляет услуги yes. Вы можете прекрасно провести время за игрой в футбол. Танцы-шманцы до утра или как позволит администрация отеля, вот что Вас ждет в Диско-клубе. В отеле присутствует организация экскурсий, упрощает выбор и дает советы специалист по туризму. Служба организации торжеств поможет изысканно отпраздновать годовщину свадьбы, день рождение или любой другой праздник.
Какие возможности для детей есть в отеле?
Отель располагает детским бассейном с небольшой глубиной, детской площадкой с горкой и качелями. Детские стульчики для кормления Ваших малышей всегда под рукой. По Вашей просьбе отель предоставляет детскую кроватку (бесплатно).