Подскажите, пожалуйста, кто отдыхал в 2014-2015 году в Рафаиловичах или Бечичах, в каком ресторане/кефе приемлемые цены на обед/ужин? Планируем ехать в конце июля, хочу понять порядок цен.
Tell me, please, who rested in Rafailovici or Becici in 2014-2015, in which restaurant / cafe are reasonable prices for lunch / dinner? We plan to go at the end of July, I want to understand the order of prices.
Tell me, please, who rested in Rafailovici or Becici in 2014-2015, in which restaurant / cafe are reasonable prices for lunch / dinner? We plan to go at the end of July, I want to understand the order of prices.
2 subscribers •
2015-07-1410 years ago