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Related question «Hotel selection»
We can’t decide with my husband, please advise which hotel is better, what are the pros and cons. Choose between Centara Ceysands Resort & Spa 4* and Shinagawa Beach Hotel 4*
We can’t decide with my husband, please advise which hotel is better, what are the pros and cons. Choose between Centara Ceysands Resort & Spa 4* and Shinagawa Beach Hotel 4*
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5 subscribers  • asked 2016-08-189 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар SarSar1
Good afternoon! From personal experience I can say that Centara is a great network with excellent service. As for Shinagawa, there was no I don't know. Compare for yourself all the pros and cons, but if purely by location ... I would prefer Shinagawa in this choice. The Bentota region is not attractive to me due to the presence of a large river. The (large) rivers in Lanka carry a large amount of ground suspension (red clay) into the coastal waters, so it’s not worth counting on water transparency in such places (it’s critical for me).
аватар anatoly_usb
Katya, in order to get an answer that will be useful to you, you need to at least somehow describe your vacation preferences. What do you expect from Sri Lanka, from a hotel?
аватар Katya02
We are waiting for a good sea, more or less service, normal food and to have somewhere to go at least a little bit. We plan to take an excursion in the center of the island for the first 5 days, and we want to spend the remaining 5 on the beach.
Last year we took a tour of Koh Chang + Cambodia + Bangkok. There was The Dewa hotel on Koh Chang, I want something similar.
аватар anatoly_usb
Katya, the ocean is cleaner in Shinagawa, but Centara is in the city and there are places to go. Shinagawa - for meditation, for unity with nature. Normal meals are half board, you need to take it if available. The first 5 days of excursions are a test, especially after arrival. There will be very difficult transitions. Be prepared for this.
аватар SarSar1
Regarding the comparison of the Chang Deva and Bentot's Centara, I saw the first, I think it is no better than the second, IMHO.
аватар Tyragenstvo
Good afternoon, we would recommend you the Shinigawa Hotel, there are friendly staff, spacious rooms, delicious breakfast, but you will have to go to restaurants by tuk-tuk, walking is difficult.
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