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Is it possible to rent a house in Sri Lanka...inexpensive in July?
Please tell me, maybe someone has already traveled to Sri Lanka not on a tour, but as they say on their own .... my friends and I want to fly there in July for 20 days .... is it possible to rent an inexpensive house ... or in the hotel rooms are inexpensive ..? thank you very much ..... waiting for answers
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7 subscribers  • asked 2013-04-0212 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар eugenie.ukr
I wrote to you privately.
аватар chubenko2
And the rest? We want to know the same about housing in Sri Lanka
аватар irinabustruk
I forgot that we are 8 people, including 3 of course I would like a comfortable house
аватар serega829
You can try it on the MyLanka website, we booked rooms in the guest house there, but there were also houses there ...
аватар Lanka-Lanochka
It is possible to rent, but about "inexpensive" with a team of 8 people and with comfort - hardly.
As a rule, "with comfort" and a pleasant area (garden, swimming pool) - these are villas from the category of not "bread and butter", but also jam on top. Anyway, look for on British websites - they offer more than Russian-speaking ones.
аватар Irusik123
I advise Romantic Villa, we rested ourselves, very comfortable, huge luxurious rooms with all amenities and a swimming pool
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